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Game Thread Game Ten: Ohio State 38, Wisconsin 17 (final)

bucknut1313;980563; said:
what the hell is going on? i mean to date this is the biggest game so far this year and its only being shown on BTN? WTF IS BTN my cable company doesnt even off that channel OMFG iam so mad right now. who`s big ideal was this to put such a big game on a network half of ohio doesnt even have. and why dont i see more pll talking about GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I WANNA KILL SOMEONE RIGHT NOW IAM SO MAD.

Welcome to the planet...take a deep breath...it'll be okay. :biggrin:
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Just read the entire thread from start to finish. Gotta say it's got me pumped. Sorry to hear about you guys that can't get the game. Utter Bullshit in my opinion.

Anyway, time for me to suit up and head down to the Horseshoe. :groove:
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