The Silicon Valley Classic is now extinct and nothing more than a scrimmage between a marginal Sun Belt vs. MAC team in its last rendition. That thing hardly counted as a bowl, even a mid-major bowl. I just looked it up. The last bowl NI was in was the California Bowl in 1984. They won it. Former Indiana coach Bill Mallory was the head man at NI at the time. That program was in the toilet for 15 years after he left. Only recently have they become a modest success. But how good can you be when you haven't won a mid-major conference title and can't get invite to one of the 27 or 28 bowls? Again, I shall respect this NI program and give them their props. But the game on 9/2 is little more than a scrimmage for us. Tressel and the boys will take it seriously. But it will be an absolute blowout. We have way too much talent, size and speed for NI to have any hope of competing against us. Let their tiny running back run wild. It won't matter.