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Game Thread Game Nine: #1 tOSU 44, Minnesota 0 (10/28/06)

BB73;646221; said:
So John Saunders is apparently questioning the dominance of tOSU because it's ONLY 17-0 at the half. What was that comment supposed to mean?

Did he check the scores of the other major undefeated teams today?

TSUN: 17-3 over NW'ern at home, final.

USC: down 13-7 at Oregon State right now late in the half.

I wonder if tOSU is impressive enough for Saunders yet? :biggrin:
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lvbuckeye;646301; said:
:lol: did you see Tressel shaking his head?

post game preview: "well, we did have that extra point blocked, so we still have a lot to work on if we want to be a good football team."
I didnt see any shaking but I saw the look deep in his eyes and it wasn't pretty. :)
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