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Game Thread Game Four: Ohio State 31, Iowa 6 (final)

Bottom line today....OSU rushing game is great! When you can run the ball, it opens up passing and makes it much easier for play calling. Pittman looks great today.....makes guys miss, breaks tackles and definately has some speed in open field. Smith looks pretty good except for his fumbles. But give credit where credit is due.....OSU is winning this game in the trenches on offensive line and defensive line. THats where the domination is.
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Since I can't watch the game, a little humor from the Iowa board:

"Iowa 13 total yards vs OSU 402 yards in the 3rd quarter--that is called OSU domination. Time to change the channel to Bonanza "

"Is this 1971
<HR SIZE=1>It's going to get really bad - Iowa will not score today. The D is hapless. "

"More missed tackles. This team is very sad. Illinois will beat these patsies."

"It has been a while since we have been badly out muscled.
I can't believe that we didn't bulk up our lines this last off season. Very dissapointing. We've never had a track team but at least we've been physical."
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Nice pic of (left to right): Tate, Ferentz, Henkel, Greenway
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Since I can't watch the game, a little humor from the Iowa board:

"Iowa 13 total yards vs OSU 402 yards in the 3rd quarter--that is called OSU domination. Time to change the channel to Bonanza "

"Is this 1971
<HR SIZE=1>It's going to get really bad - Iowa will not score today. The D is hapless. "

"More missed tackles. This team is very sad. Illinois will beat these patsies."

"It has been a while since we have been badly out muscled.
I can't believe that we didn't bulk up our lines this last off season. Very dissapointing. We've never had a track team but at least we've been physical."

Sounds as if they are realist...Gotta giv'em that.
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I guess every program has these fans...
<table width="95%"> <tbody><tr><td align="left">
</td> <td align="right">
</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" width="100%"> <tbody><tr><td class="headings" bgcolor="#000000" valign="top"> Author </td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#000000" valign="top"> Comment </td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#a8a8a8"><td align="left" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="20%"> hodgepodge93
Registered User
Posts: 36
(9/24/05 1:07:38 pm)
Reply </td> <td class="m" align="left" valign="top">
Drew should Draw plays on his hand<hr size="1"> This game plan is ridiculous</td></tr></tbody> </table>

its never execution, always the coach :wink2:
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Bad, no catch by Holmes. He needs to catch those balls everytime.

Lemme get this straight:

Tate said prior to the game "This looks like the same OSU team from last year" after reviewing last years game.

Ferentz recruiting the low star, not-big time players is starting to catch up to him this year with the performances of Iowa thus far.

Where is the Iowa LB Corps that was rivaling OSU so hard for the #1 spot?
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