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Game Thread Game Four: Ohio State 31, Iowa 6 (final)

Bench Schnittker

For the second week in a row, he fumbles near the goal line. He's slow, he can't run, he blows scoring chances. We should be up 21-0 now, but instead we had to again rely on our defense to bail us out because of his ineptitude.

Bench his ass.
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Schnittker has to sit. That is inexcusable.

Thats two fumbles in two consecutive weeks that Schnit has fumbled the ball away in a TD yard drive.

Hard to say if it was his fault. He was laying on someone and couldnt be technically called "down" and it was ripped out with an unmatched force by Hodge.

BTW - Another great run by Pittman. Setting him self up for a 1,000 yard year and a great game.
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