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Game Thread Game Four: #1 Ohio State 28, #24 Penn State 6 (9/23/06)

Time to let go...

I've been holding on to a nasty grudge for a year, and it's time to let it go.

The trash-talking from PSU fans was out of control on game-week last year. They were claiming it would be a total blow-out. Then they went on to blast OSU fans after the game for not giving them enough respect for beating the Buckeyes "handily".

I contrast that with the tone on their message boards this year (except for one guy who is roundly denounced by the others). There are several conclusions one can draw. They're not as confident this year. Sure. They are chastened by the smack-down from the recently humbled Irish. OK. But I think it's something else.

I strongly believe that the bad attitude Nits from last year are not around at all this year. They aren't calling the radio. They aren't on their own message boards. And they sure as heck aren't here. (Remember ThePOS and BooYah from last year?) They simply aren't even paying attention.

Those of you who went to Ohio State; think about your time there. Who were the fanatics who were an embarassment to the University. Were they the hard-core fans like grad21, BB73, cinci or even Mili? Or were they the bandwagon jumpers that can't read a defense from C-Deck? To those of us who have been around for 4 decades and more, it's an aphorism. The most unreasonable fans are the johnny-come-lately, know-nothing-about-the-game, last-on-first-off the bandwagon types.

The PSU fans are different this year because, for the most part, the ones that were so awful last year are surfing for porn (or whatever) this year. They derived self-esteem from the team, and now that the team isn't providing any, they aren't there for the team.

Please remember this when you go to the Horseshoe on Saturday. The people in Blue and White there are not the people who threw urine on the band and put police in a head-lock last year. They are the same respectful, respectable Big 10 fans that they have been for years.

I know some of you live in Nit country and believe that their bad fans outnumber their good ones. But their bad fans won't be coming to the 'Shoe on Saturday.

For my part, when Tyson Gentry and Adam Taliafero meet at the 50-yard-line at half time; I hope they won't be the only Buckeyes and Nittany Lions shaking hands.
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DaddyBigBucks;612592; said:
I've been holding on to a nasty grudge for a year, and it's time to let it go.

The trash-talking from PSU fans was out of control on game-week last year. They were claiming it would be a total blow-out. Then they went on to blast OSU fans after the game for not giving them enough respect for beating the Buckeyes "handily".

I contrast that with the tone on their message boards this year (except for one guy who is roundly denounced by the others). There are several conclusions one can draw. They're not as confident this year. Sure. They are chastened by the smack-down from the recently humbled Irish. OK. But I think it's something else.

I strongly believe that the bad attitude Nits from last year are not around at all this year. They aren't calling the radio. They aren't on their own message boards. And they sure as heck aren't here. (Remember ThePOS and BooYah from last year?) They simply aren't even paying attention.

Those of you who went to Ohio State; think about your time there. Who were the fanatics who were an embarassment to the University. Were they the hard-core fans like grad21, BB73, cinci or even Mili? Or were they the bandwagon jumpers that can't read a defense from C-Deck? To those of us who have been around for 4 decades and more, it's an aphorism. The most unreasonable fans are the johnny-come-lately, know-nothing-about-the-game, last-on-first-off the bandwagon types.

The PSU fans are different this year because, for the most part, the ones that were so awful last year are surfing for porn (or whatever) this year. They derived self-esteem from the team, and now that the team isn't providing any, they aren't there for the team.

Please remember this when you go to the Horseshoe on Saturday. The people in Blue and White there are not the people who threw urine on the band and put police in a head-lock last year. They are the same respectful, respectable Big 10 fans that they have been for years.

I know some of you live in Nit country and believe that their bad fans outnumber their good ones. But their bad fans won't be coming to the 'Shoe on Saturday.

For my part, when Tyson Gentry and Adam Taliafero meet at the 50-yard-line at half time; I hope they won't be the only Buckeyes and Nittany Lions shaking hands.

There is much truth to what you say, certainly. And as far as Taliaferro goes, I don't anticipate anything but positive there. He and especially his dad have been a very positive influence for Gentry, and even before, I don't remember anyone, especially around here, having anything to say that could even be remotely misinterpreted as negative to say about him...he's a special kid who shares a bond with a Buckeye who is going through a rough spot right now. I think even the most ardent fanatic can put everything aside for that.
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Give that a great post award....

I still don't like thier fan base. Some of the first hand stories from last years game would make anyone not like them. But I also heard the same stories of Texas fans here at the shoe, but from most reports the trip to Austin was nothing but class and a goodtime and I hope we can show PSU the same.
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DaddyBigBucks;612592; said:
I've been holding on to a nasty grudge for a year, and it's time to let it go.

The trash-talking from PSU fans was out of control on game-week last year. They were claiming it would be a total blow-out. Then they went on to blast OSU fans after the game for not giving them enough respect for beating the Buckeyes "handily".

I contrast that with the tone on their message boards this year (except for one guy who is roundly denounced by the others). There are several conclusions one can draw. They're not as confident this year. Sure. They are chastened by the smack-down from the recently humbled Irish. OK. But I think it's something else.

I strongly believe that the bad attitude Nits from last year are not around at all this year. They aren't calling the radio. They aren't on their own message boards. And they sure as heck aren't here. (Remember ThePOS and BooYah from last year?) They simply aren't even paying attention.

Those of you who went to Ohio State; think about your time there. Who were the fanatics who were an embarassment to the University. Were they the hard-core fans like grad21, BB73, cinci or even Mili? Or were they the bandwagon jumpers that can't read a defense from C-Deck? To those of us who have been around for 4 decades and more, it's an aphorism. The most unreasonable fans are the johnny-come-lately, know-nothing-about-the-game, last-on-first-off the bandwagon types.

The PSU fans are different this year because, for the most part, the ones that were so awful last year are surfing for porn (or whatever) this year. They derived self-esteem from the team, and now that the team isn't providing any, they aren't there for the team.

Please remember this when you go to the Horseshoe on Saturday. The people in Blue and White there are not the people who threw urine on the band and put police in a head-lock last year. They are the same respectful, respectable Big 10 fans that they have been for years.

I know some of you live in Nit country and believe that their bad fans outnumber their good ones. But their bad fans won't be coming to the 'Shoe on Saturday.

For my part, when Tyson Gentry and Adam Taliafero meet at the 50-yard-line at half time; I hope they won't be the only Buckeyes and Nittany Lions shaking hands.

This is an outstanding post, and should remind us all, that over all that an honest fan, not the fans who jump on the bandwagon, is normally respectful. Thanks for such a great post, and reminder that we should all remember just because we know that tOSU Buckeyes are the best. *wink* We should still remember than the other teams hardcore fans will think their team is just as good.
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DaddyBigBucks;612592; said:
The PSU fans are different this year because, for the most part, the ones that were so awful last year are surfing for porn (or whatever) this year. They derived self-esteem from the team, and now that the team isn't providing any, they aren't there for the team.
Paragraph of the Year.

craigblitz;612634; said:
Give that a great post award....
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I was just listening to the Speilman on Sports show on 1460 and when they cut in with the newsbreak they had a quote from some PSU player that said "I have no respect for the Buckeyes", did anyone catch the name of the Nittany Lion who said that?
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Buckeye_Nate;612734; said:
I was just listening to the Speilman on Sports show on 1460 and when they cut in with the newsbreak they had a quote from some PSU player that said "I have no respect for the Buckeyes", did anyone catch the name of the Nittany Lion who said that?

Donnie Johnson (no, I've never heard of him either)
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Buckeye_Nate;612734; said:
I was just listening to the Speilman on Sports show on 1460 and when they cut in with the newsbreak they had a quote from some PSU player that said "I have no respect for the Buckeyes", did anyone catch the name of the Nittany Lion who said that?

Post #180
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From the Philly Inquirer September 13, 2006.

Bulletin board material
No. 1: Apparently safety Donnie Johnson didn't hear Paterno when, after Saturday's loss, the coach said the Lions were going to go home and "keep our mouths shut."
An Ohio native, Johnson was asked what next weekend's game at No. 1 Ohio State meant.
"Nothing," Johnson said. "I never did like Ohio State. I have no respect for Ohio State whatsoever. Hopefully, they'll still be No. 1, so if we knock them off, Penn State will be right back on the map."
No. 2: Johnson apparently didn't have much respect for Notre Dame either - until that game began:
"We looked at Notre Dame film, and they weren't good from what we saw on film," said the senior safety, who admitted to being shocked. "They didn't have nothing that stood out."
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tsteele316;612776; said:
This kid may be a senior, but he's obviously put off taking his remedial english classes.
Evidently, given his bravado, it isn't the only lesson that he needs to have repeated. I'm changing my bet on this game from neutral to damn near all in.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;612744; said:
From the Philly Inquirer September 13, 2006.

Bulletin board material
No. 1: Apparently safety Donnie Johnson didn't hear Paterno when, after Saturday's loss, the coach said the Lions were going to go home and "keep our mouths shut."
An Ohio native, Johnson was asked what next weekend's game at No. 1 Ohio State meant.
"Nothing," Johnson said. "I never did like Ohio State. I have no respect for Ohio State whatsoever. Hopefully, they'll still be No. 1, so if we knock them off, Penn State will be right back on the map."
No. 2: Johnson apparently didn't have much respect for Notre Dame either - until that game began:
"We looked at Notre Dame film, and they weren't good from what we saw on film," said the senior safety, who admitted to being shocked. "They didn't have nothing that stood out."

Apparently this kid is taking his cues from Roy Williams of the Detroit Lions. :lol:
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