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Game Thread Game Five: #1 Ohio State 38, #13 Iowa 17 (9/30/06)

Dont like the prevent shit. Most worthless defense in the world. Might as well just let them score on the first play if you're gonna play D like that. Normally you dont see that from the Bucks, but sure did there. Coulda had about 3 picks there too if Mitchell and JO were lookin for the ball.
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BrutusMaximus;622215; said:
Dont like the prevent shit. Most worthless defense in the world. Might as well just let them score on the first play if you're gonna play D like that. Normally you dont see that from the Bucks, but sure did there. Coulda had about 3 picks there too if Mitchell and JO were lookin for the ball.

Agreed but a TD is honestly the best thing to happen for that...someone wil have to gamble. Tress or Heacock.
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BrutusMaximus;622215; said:
Dont like the prevent shit. Most worthless defense in the world. Might as well just let them score on the first play if you're gonna play D like that. Normally you dont see that from the Bucks, but sure did there. Coulda had about 3 picks there too if Mitchell and JO were lookin for the ball.

It's not the scheme, it is the holds and illegal stuff. We are playing 11 on 14 right now.
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