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Game Thread Game Five: #1 Ohio State 38, #13 Iowa 17 (9/30/06)

OSUBuckeye4Life;621200; said:

who the fuck put Ferrents over Tress?
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How about the DL? King over Pitcock??? GTFOH!!!

How about the LBs? Anybody they have vs. Laurinaitis??? GTFOH!!!

I'll let them have TE and PK, but that is IT. Nevertheless, this game has more variables than any I've seen in a long time. Momentum will count for a LOT.

Could be close, could be a runaway (but I doubt it).

I still say 27-13.
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Iowa will be emotional. I look for them to move the ball on the ground and with short passes early - maybe even score on the first couple of drives. But they are not deep on the OL and emotion wont be enough as this game moves along. If the track is dry we score often. Close at the half, we win by 14+ playing Tressel ball.
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For people going o the game: What are your plans?

Just as a reference for others going to the game tomorrow. I'll be arriving at the Finkbine Commuter parking lot at about noon. Then walking down the campus drive pop ping my head into a few bars, i've been recommended to go to the 'fieldhouse' to see a lot of hot drunk college students pulling off some sleazy dance moves and quick to remove their shirts on the dance floor. From there 3-7 Dental Parking lot to tailgate; then at 7:05 finding the big screen T.V's outside of Kennick Stadium.
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I'd love to see Teddy shatter Dwight's record on their home field b/c they don't feel they need to punt away from him (per 1460).

Does anyone know why the two-man return system went away? It doesn't seem to be for attempted blocks. I'm pretty sure Holmes had a key block on each of teddy's PR tds.

I think putting Gonzo back there would help Tedward out.
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MililaniBuckeye;621316; said:

No way does their LB corps beat ours, and our DL is as good as theirs even with Kenny Iweebadooba. And if anyone seriously thinks that Ferentz is a better coach than Tressel...

Their LB's were better than OSU's last year, at least until the first whistle.
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Iowa City primed for upset when Ohio State comes calling
By Wendell Barnhouse

McClatchy Newspapers


FORT WORTH, Texas - Championship-worthy teams win games like the one top-ranked Ohio State faces on Saturday night.

The Buckeyes play at No. 13 Iowa. While football fans might be used to frenzied hoopla in places such as Austin, Columbus and Tallahassee, the good citizens of Iowa City don't even get this excited when the corn gets as high as an elephant's eye.

"This is going to, potentially, be a six-ring circus instead of a three-ring circus," Iowa coach Kirk Ferentz said. "We don't get a lot of six-ring circuses."

It's a Big Game because:

_ESPN's "College Football GameDay," the weekly thermometer for what's hot, is in town for the second time ever.

_The game is ABC's prime-time affair. This is the first night game (7 p.m., ABC) at Kinnick Stadium since 1992.

_Hotel rooms within an hour's drive have been sold out for months.

_Game tickets priced at $60 are going for $1,200 each.

_Iowa City's population is approximately 62,000. Kinnick Stadium seats 70,585. Rumor has it about 35,000 Buckeyes fans will be in town, ticketed or not. To accommodate the overflow, the school will have a giant television screen airing the game at the baseball stadium.

_This is the fourth time a No. 1 team has visited Kinnick Stadium and the first time since 1992.

As the pre season No. 1 team, Ohio State is the Target Team of 2006. Texas got its shot three weeks ago. Penn State slugged its way to a 3-0 halftime lead last Saturday in Columbus before running out of magic.

The Buckeyes know what's coming.

"Having big games like this pretty much every week, it's very difficult," Ohio State defensive tackle Quinn Pitcock said. "It tests you physically and mentally. How can you prepare each week and get ready for a big game, which drains you so much physically and emotionally?

"We love those kind of challenges and have fun doing it."

Texas met the challenges last season, including a defining win at Ohio State. USC was the Longhorns' title- game adversary because of its classic victory at Notre Dame.

For Ohio State, the warning signs are flashing...pink.

That's the color of the visiting locker room at Kinnick Stadium. Former Hawkeyes coach Hayden Fry chose that soothing hue as a psychological ploy, an effort to unnerve (and perhaps lull) opposing teams.

"That was part of the mystique of what they had going there," Michigan State coach John L. Smith said of the color scheme.

The paint job is intangible. The tangible is that the Buckeyes' rebuilt defense, which thus far has been outstanding, for the first time this season will face a talented, veteran quarterback.

Iowa senior Drew Tate, from Baytown, Texas, is a fiery leader. He's the kind of player from which a team can draw the energy and emotion to play above itself.

"He's a competitor," Ferentz said. "That's the part that you admire about Drew . . . (that) he'd jump in front of a train if he felt it would help us win."

As Auburn discovered Thursday night, the road can be a dark and dangerous place. The Tigers had a perfect plan for a Southeastern Conference road game but needed some "trickeration" (a timely on side kick recovery) and luck (a dropped game-tying TD pass) to escape South Carolina's upset bid.

Just a hunch: Ohio State and Southern California (at Washington State) should be on Upset Alert. One or both will lose. You read it here first.

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That's the color of the visiting locker room at Kinnick Stadium. Former Hawkeyes coach Hayden Fry chose that soothing hue as a psychological ploy, an effort to unnerve (and perhaps lull) opposing teams.

Well, we don't know when Fry painted the locker room pink, so let's look at it from three perspectives, noting our record at Iowa from Fry's first year (assuming he painted it his first year), his middle year there (average it out), and after his last year, which would be Ferentz's first year (since we have no idea idea when they painted it pink):

Since 1979 (Fry's first year): 7-2-1
Since 1989 (middle of Fry's tenure): 5-1-0
Since 1999 (Ferentz's first year): 1-1-0

Since we're 1-1 against Ferentz at Iowa, that means we were 6-1-1 against Fry. Somehow the pink didn't distract us...
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MililaniBuckeye;621349; said:
Well, we don't know when Fry painted the locker room pink, so let's look at it from three perspectives, noting our record at Iowa from Fry's first year (assuming he painted it his first year), his middle year there (average it out), and after his last year, which would be Ferentz's first year (since we have no idea idea when they painted it pink):

Since 1979 (Fry's first year): 7-2-1
Since 1989 (middle of Fry's tenure): 5-1-0
Since 1999 (Ferentz's first year): 1-1-0

Since we're 1-1 against Ferentz at Iowa, that means we were 6-1-1 against Fry. Somehow the pink didn't distract us...

I don't know about you, but I get distracted by the pink...

Pink Snapper!!!!m :wink:

Pink toilets on the other hand, they're all brown after I leave...
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