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Game Thread Game Five: #1 Ohio State 38, #13 Iowa 17 (9/30/06)

R0CK3TM4NN;620916; said:
I'm at risk of exposing my football retardedness here, but what's a speed option and/or a belly option? Is that where the RB runs in front of the QB to take the handoff, with the QB going one direction and the RB going the other?
that's the zone read. on speed options, the QB and RB are running the same direction:

obviously, this is a it different than what Ohio State runs, since they run it primarily from a shotgun set, and not a pro set, but the concept is roughly the same. instead of the other setback playing lead blocker, the Buckeyes use the TE or H-back.

the belly option is what made Nebraska famous, and unlike speed options or veer options, the QB doesn't work down the line, but steps back into the backfield to pave the way for the FB:

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osugrad21;621057; said:
The good ole days when it was really that simple...
yup... though the more it changes, the more it stays the same... look at the shot-Ginn. people were all drooling over the fact that Tressel had invented a new formation and a new position, but that's really not the case. it's only a wingback who's set 5 yards deep rather than just behind the line... heck, look at TG2 when he lined up as QB in the Alamo Bowl. that wasn't some kind of new revelation, it was simple old-school single wing football, something that's been around longer than our parents... well, most of us :p
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3. Under pressure

If King and fellow defensive lineman Ken Iwebama (three sacks) can bring the heat, Iowa can drop seven to cover Ohio State star receivers Ted Ginn Jr. and Anthony Gonzalez and emerging talents Brian Hartline and Brian Robiskie.

He forgot to mention how slow Iowa is in the defensive backfield here.....also he didn't add the idea of Smith running the ball if forced to.

5. Play small ball

The experienced Schlicher, who is 43 of 53 (.811) on field goals, gives Iowa its only clear advantage. Ohio State redshirt freshman Aaron Pettrey is just 3 of 6 this season.

Pettrey held up pretty well 2 weeks ago wouldn't ya think? He's not Schlicher, but he's not chopped liver by any means.

6. Calm and collected

Tate lost his cool last year during Ohio State's 31-6 drubbing. After getting sacked for the fifth time, he spiked his helmet into the turf, drawing an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. Ferentz jokingly called that a "Kodak moment" and talked about the need for Tate occasionally to "rechannel" his energy.

Was it Tate's helmet, or the football? Did this guy research this article at all, or did him simply write off of implications?
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lvbuckeye;621065; said:
yup... though the more it changes, the more it stays the same... look at the shot-Ginn. people were all drooling over the fact that Tressel had invented a new formation and a new position, but that's really not the case. it's only a wingback who's set 5 yards deep rather than just behind the line... heck, look at TG2 when he lined up as QB in the Alamo Bowl. that wasn't some kind of new revelation, it was simple old-school single wing football, something that's been around longer than our parents... well, most of us :p

Shhh...you are ruining all of the fun.
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He forgot to mention how slow Iowa is in the defensive backfield here.....also he didn't add the idea of Smith running the ball if forced to.

Pettrey held up pretty well 2 weeks ago wouldn't ya think? He's not Schlicher, but he's not chopped liver by any means.

Was it Tate's helmet, or the football? Did this guy research this article at all, or did him simply write off of implications?
It was the ball, and it was only a 5 yard delay of game penalty. A 15 yarder (which was deserved) would have made the final score 31-3.
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BuckeyeNation27;621073; said:
It was the ball, and it was only a 5 yard delay of game penalty. A 15 yarder (which was deserved) would have made the final score 31-3.

This is at least the 3rd sportswriter that I've seen get this wrong in the past 2 weeks. You would think as STRANGE as it was that his outburst resulted in a delay-of-game penalty that people would remember it.

But then, the Hawkeye fans I work with didn't realize it had been a d-o-g penalty when I talked about the game with them on the Monday immediately following the game.

Maybe the Iowa sportswriters and fans were too busy yelling at the TV (or throwing things of their own) to realize what had really happened.
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This is at least the 3rd sportswriter that I've seen get this wrong in the past 2 weeks. You would think as STRANGE as it was that his outburst resulted in a delay-of-game penalty that people would remember it.

But then, the Hawkeye fans I work with didn't realize it had been a d-o-g penalty when I talked about the game with them on the Monday immediately following the game.

Maybe the Iowa sportswriters and fans were too busy yelling at the TV (or throwing things of their own) to realize what had really happened.
Ivan Maisel got the penalty right, but he gave Hawk credit for Carpenter's sack. How hard is it to find out what really happened on a nationally televised game?
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DaddyBigBucks;621091; said:
This is at least the 3rd sportswriter that I've seen get this wrong in the past 2 weeks. You would think as STRANGE as it was that his outburst resulted in a delay-of-game penalty that people would remember it.

But then, the Hawkeye fans I work with didn't realize it had been a d-o-g penalty when I talked about the game with them on the Monday immediately following the game.

Maybe the Iowa sportswriters and fans were too busy yelling at the TV (or throwing things of their own) to realize what had really happened.

They probably want to remember that game as much as I want to remember the 2004 game. Their memory can be as fuzzy as it wants, for all I care. We remember the truth.
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DaddyBigBucks;621107; said:
ESPN CLASSIC will be playing the OSU-IOWA 1990 game at 5PM EDT.

My DVR is ready....

My take on Sat.

I expect the good guys in scarlet and gray to have a good showing against Iowa. Tressel?s teams seem to get better as the season moves on and I expect nothing different this year. Tate is a solid experienced QB that will provide a nice litmus test for our not so new D. Our D-line will provide the pressure and we have a couple of DB who have recently tasted some red meat and are still hungry.

Ohio State has too much depth and talent all around. I like tOSU by more than 7.
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