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Game Thread Game Five: #1 Ohio State 38, #13 Iowa 17 (9/30/06)

gregorylee;619735; said:
SURE, if you count wearing a blue jacket and a blue and gold tie while broadcasting the game...
he was in ANN ARBOR, for Pete's sake! what friggin color do you want him to wear? sheesh... i DISTINCTLY remember him referring to tOSU as 'WE' during the 2005 Teas game... the people who complain about petty shit like what color a fucking broadcaster wears in the booth either have WAY too much time on their hands, or a serious inferiority complex... how fans of OHIO STATE could end up with such a complex is beyond me, but i see it every day with this incessant harping on anything that could possibly be construed as an insult. was Coop really THAT bad? has he permanently warped the psyche of the Buckeyes' fans? because that's only thing that i can think it could be. are we REALLY the little kid who goes running to mommy every time he thinks he gets teased? because i seem to think that WE are the bullies of the college football neighborhood... are we really THAT insecure that we must always seek something to bitch about in this obsessive search for any perceived slight? come on people! life's way too short to worry about what fucking color tie Brent Musburger wears! all i can say is THANK GOD Jim Tressel doesn't have this same mentality, because he'd be John L Smith, and we'd be Sparty...
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lvbuckeye;620294; said:
he was in ANN ARBOR, for Pete's sake! what friggin color do you want him to wear? sheesh... i DISTINCTLY remember him referring to tOSU as 'WE' during the 2005 Teas game... the people who complain about petty shit like what color a fucking broadcaster wears in the booth either have WAY too much time on their hands, or a serious inferiority complex... how fans of OHIO STATE could end up with such a complex is beyond me, but i see it every day with this incessant harping on anything that could possibly be construed as an insult. was Coop really THAT bad? has he permanently warped the psyche of the Buckeyes' fans? because that's only thing that i can think it could be. are we REALLY the little kid who goes running to mommy every time he thinks he gets teased? because i seem to think that WE are the bullies of the college football neighborhood... are we really THAT insecure that we must always seek something to bitch about in this obsessive search for any perceived slight? come on people! life's way too short to worry about what fucking color tie Brent Musburger wears! all i can say is THANK GOD Jim Tressel doesn't have this same mentality, because he'd be John L Smith, and we'd be Sparty...
lol agreed but when i first saw him, the first thought in my head was "wonder what he was thinking when he got dressed in the morning"

we leave tomorrow about 2 for iowa city.. go bucks
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This is the game day link, sorry if it's been posted but everyone needs to vote at the top on who will win. So far it looks like only Espin employees have voted.


I know, I hate ESPN too, I just went to check on the gameday stuff. :biggrin:
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Those silly Iowans have begun a look-alike thread, some comparisons were pretty good:

Andre Amos

Looks Like....

LeVar Burton

Thaddeus Gibson

looks like



Alex Barrow



Rory Nicol

Conan O'Brien


^^^^ :lol:

Joel Penton


Eugene Levy (with his head shaved)

Offensive Coordinator Jim Heacock

Mr. Electric Brent Musberger
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