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Game Thread Game Eleven: Ohio state 25, Michigan 21 (final)

Unreal, M fans think we think carr is classless b/c M is so perfect:
I dont know, Ive yet to see a coach thats really in a fantastic mood after losing a game. And you usually only see warm exchanges between coaches after games if the coaches know and like each other because they maybe coached together somewhere or are related or friends - its obvious no such relationship exists between Tressel and Carr so I wouldnt expect the post-game exchange being anything more than going through the expected motions. Id say thats quite normal in football.

On the other hand I can see how this type of stuff from Carr riles OSU fans. Michigan likes to pride itself in being classy and of a higher, noble breed as compared to most other programs. Its in some ways perceived like a public school Notre Dame and that brings us the accusation of arrogance from most other Big Ten fans. Primarily because with such a high standard set - we are bound to disappoint.
Yes, Carr gets grumpy, he loses his patience and he whines etc. and our players arent all angels either and yes our fans have thrown objects on the field as well. Thats natural and most people wouldnt care if there wasnt the lofty ideals of the Michigan Way and our lofty Michigan Man standards.

The fact that we do not always show the grandeur people would expect given such high standards doesnt stand out to the general public because we do overall run a clean ship and our fans are amongst the better behaved in general etc.- but this slight disconnection between image and some facets of reality is bound to rile those opposing fans who deal with us on an annual basis especially as we have a much better and "classier" reputation than them which they probably feel is undeserved.
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damn, guys. did you see the picture of carp walking off the field after the game? that's hard to see.


This is the definition of a warrior and someone who defines what being a buckeye is all about. Almost makes me wanna cry...
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I don't know if someone has already posted this information, but I came across the following when I clicked on "Bowl Tickets" on the GO SCUM web site. They seem to think they are going to one of these four bowls. Personally, I think they deserve the Sun Bowl :)

Capital One Bowl
Outback Bowl
Alamo Bowl
Sun Bowl
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Well, son, then get used to this. Take away the Cooper years and we have owned these guys that last half century. And now, we own them in this century! :oh: :osu: :io:

Couldn't have said it much better myself. Since 1951, Woody's first year, OSU is 27-26-2 against Michigan, but 25-16-1 (.602) without hick-boy Cooper's clusterfuck tenure.
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This shouldn't have not been a ball game in my opinion.
Double Negative

For a defense who held a good michigan offense to only 250 yards of total offense. OSU never went down the field only until we hit adversity.
I am hoping you are speaking of throwing the ball down field, not marching straight down the field...

I couldn't watch the first half but it looked like in the 3rd quarter Michigan had our offense figured out because we only did intermediate routes at the longest until the 4th.
First drive we completed a 3&14 deep out :roll2:
But my point being we have outstanding offensive players yet we fail to use them, there is no time to get conservative during the Michigan game. With the ball in Troy Smith's hands great things happen, because nothing gets to this guy and he thinks he's the best. All our offesnse has to do is roll the pocket and Smith will succeed. His best plays are outside the pocket on the run, I say let him loose. I just think it's rediculious that this offense is so reluctant to go down the field, it will cost us games. What do you guys think?

Hoenstly, I think you are smoking some good crack... hmm... TS has his best game as a QB, throws for over 300 yards, and we are tenative? Just be happy that 2 fumbed punts, a 18 yrd punt, 2 missed kicks, AND a fumble on a sack and we STILL had a strong enough day from the offense (can't forget about Pittman) to beat those weasels up north.
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