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Florida 17, AUBURN 27 (final)

Ohio State Florida would be one heck of a football game. Northern Speed vs. Southern Speed. I would love to see that game. :osu:

Edit: The only thing that's holding me back from clamoring for that matchup is the trend of 2nd year coaches winning NCs. Now that I think of it, I'll probably continue to root for WVU as our NC game opponent.
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Well, it's 10-3 now early in the 2nd. I really hope Auburn finds a way to pull this one out. I'm already sick of hearing about Florida and their "murderer's row" schedule. The way people talk about the SEC, you'd think it was a league that DOESN'T include Kentucky, Vanderbilt, Ole Miss, Miss Stake and South Carolina.
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Auburn TE fumbles it inside the five.

Then some jackass OL from Florida TACKLES an Auburn player as Leak rolls out to the right. Safety. 10-5.

Remember folks, this is by far the toughest conference in the country. These guys play on a higher plane.
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Auburn settles for another FG. I'd brag about calling it, but that's like celebrating a tackle when you're down by 31.

Brandon Cox is an awful QB. I can't believe they allow somebody like him to even watch an SEC game. This is supposed to be "elite" football.

Here's a clue, SEC. If Tim Tebow is wearing a helmet, TACKLE HIM, because he has the ball and he's keeping it. Geez, if Gary Moeller circa 1997 could figure it out against Jackson and Germaine, surely somebody playing against Florida can get it.
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Auburn absolutely SWARMED a UF punt, recovered it, and scored. They now lead 18-17.

Edit: They just credited that TD to Troy Smith (actually Trey Smith). That can only help in the Heisman race.

Florida used that stupid gimmick punt protection where there are three guys in the backfield. Of course, I use the word "protection" liberally. They did about as much blocking on that play as I did.
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Chris Leak coughed up the football inside Auburn's 20.

Unfortunately, this one's gonna be overturned on that stupid tuck rule bullshit. There's no way that was intended to be a pass.

EDIT: Holy shit. The refs did the right thing for a change on a "tuck" play. The call stands, and Auburn has the ball.
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