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Are the USB ports on board? Or are they like front USB ports on the tower? Any idea if the USB's are USB 2.0?

If the flash drive has a cd with software, ya may wanna install that on the machine, THEN plug the drive in, just in case it's some weird driver problem. Usually when a machine restarts for any reason, it is either overheating, or a driver has crapped out.

Just some thoughts.

Oops, maybe I should read first :) Dont use the front USB's.........use the back ones. The external USB's that are plugged into the motherboard with jumpers are not reliable. For instance if they have the series incorrect, it can cause them not to work, throw errors, and definitely could cause a restart.

Looks like the USBs in the back are working fine. It's just the front ones that are no good. I plugged my iPod Shuffle into the front ones, and it did the same thing. That really sucks, since they are so convenient, and I don't have to wade through tons of wires and partially move my office desk like I do to get to the back ones! Oh well. Thanks for your help, guys!
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Looks like the USBs in the back are working fine. It's just the front ones that are no good. I plugged my iPod Shuffle into the front ones, and it did the same thing. That really sucks, since they are so convenient, and I don't have to wade through tons of wires and partially move my office desk like I do to get to the back ones! Oh well. Thanks for your help, guys!

Is there a way to repair the front USB's so you don't have to plug the flash into the back all of the time?

I understand what you mean by the evil octopus that lives behind the tower.
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Is there a way to repair the front USB's so you don't have to plug the flash into the back all of the time?

I don't think I'm even going to ask. I'm so fed up with our IT department right now. I'm in charge of our newsletter, but they won't even give me the resources I need because of "licensing issues", so I have to so it on my laptop. I think I'm going to talk to the director, because this is bullshit.
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I don't think I'm even going to ask. I'm so fed up with our IT department right now. I'm in charge of our newsletter, but they won't even give me the resources I need because of "licensing issues", so I have to so it on my laptop. I think I'm going to talk to the director, because this is bullshit.

Go tell your IT assholes that the fact you have to get your tech advice from an Ohio State messageboard instead of them is a problem.
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That really sucks, since they are so convenient, and I don't have to wade through tons of wires and partially move my office desk like I do to get to the back ones!

If all else fails and you can't get the front works working properly, just go out and get a USB hub. Plug it into the back USB port, and plug everything that you want access to into the hub.
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