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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

Two 4th downs and 2 penalties - one of them a terrible call - and they get 7.

Had chances for stops but couldn't do it. Offense must respond.
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God dammit that is what I am talking about in taking chances. Pete Carroll, Urban Meyer have confidence in their team and go for it. What has Texas done so far; gone for it 3 times on 4th down as far as I can see. Being conservative may win in the Big Ten, but you need to have some balls in these big games :(
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God dammit that is what I am talking about in taking chances. Pete Carroll, Urban Meyer have confidence in their team and go for it. What has Texas done so far; gone for it 3 times on 4th down as far as I can see. Being conservative may win in the Big Ten, but you need to have some balls in these big games :(
calm down. We haven't even had the ball this half.

Nor have we had obvious "go for it" situations like Texas had.

It's fine.
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nwbuckeye;1373620; said:
God dammit that is what I am talking about in taking chances. Pete Carroll, Urban Meyer have confidence in their team and go for it. What has Texas done so far; gone for it 3 times on 4th down as far as I can see. Being conservative may win in the Big Ten, but you need to have some balls in these big games :(

I only saw one chance for us that applies - the 4th and 2 before the second FG attempt. I thought we should go then but there really haven't been other times like that to take chances.
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