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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

milkman21;1373280; said:
As a matter of principle, I will never in my life eat a Domino's sandwich, buy a Chevy, get Geico insurance, drink Bud Light, or use the letter 'G'.

They're ruining the game!
Um, they're also paying for it ... which means that we don't have to.
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OHSportsFan9;1373278; said:
Am I the only one that saw Beanie grab his hammy?

Was he on the field on the 3rd and 2 after the timeout? or the 3rd and 7?
I didn't see him hold his hammy, but I did see someone hovering over him on the sidelines. It looked like he was asking Beanie if he was alright.
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