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Favorite Videos (youtube)

LMAO. I didn't think he went anywhere without his Converse.

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I wouldn't call this a favorite type video but the language these little girls are using is absolutely appalling, damn who has parents like this, you know that's where they got it from

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOJoG0mEsB4"]BLK WMN Make The Worst Parents! Little Girls Diss Each Other Over Who Is Blacker! - YouTube[/ame]
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DubCoffman62;2345757; said:
I wouldn't call this a favorite type video but the language these little girls are using is absolutely appalling, damn who has parents like this, you know that's where they got it from

BLK WMN Make The Worst Parents! Little Girls Diss Each Other Over Who Is Blacker! - YouTube

I had an employee Joe who had a black wife and mixed kid (his). Now I always liked Joe, he was a good worker and would go above and beyond.

One day he forgot lunch so his wife brought it to the shop for him. Now she isn't allowed in my shop and I saw her pull up so I asked who she needed to see and found out it was Joe for his lunch. Now I could have just taken his lunch to Joe, but I figured let him see the old lady and grab a quick smoke while he was at it.

So I go in and grab Joe and take him out to where his wife is parked. I had to go that way anyway and like walking around the outside of the plant so nobody can ask me dumbass questions on the way back to the office.

So we walk up to the car and Joe's kid maybe 4 years old and a girl gets out of the car with her mom. The 4 year old starts calling me cracker and basically every other name under the sun, most of them were race based. A solid minute of pure hate, but she had a smile on her face like it was no big deal. Now the kid had little clue what she was doing, so I let it go. I did give Joe and his wife a look of WTF before I continued my journey back to the office.

That kid is being raised to hate, plain and simple. Disgusting to see in person. Got rid of Joe on a minor attendance violation after that. Could have cut him some slack, but [censored] it, let that family be poor and on welfare forever and get used to it.

not that it matters, but to put it into the context of the video, she was as black as could be and had a great body and big real [censored]. i recognized her as a stripper from a few years before that. you never forget a great set of [censored].
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BIATCHabutuka;2345854; said:
I had an employee Joe who had a black wife and mixed kid (his). Now I always liked Joe, he was a good worker and would go above and beyond.

One day he forgot lunch so his wife brought it to the shop for him. Now she isn't allowed in my shop and I saw her pull up so I asked who she needed to see and found out it was Joe for his lunch. Now I could have just taken his lunch to Joe, but I figured let him see the old lady and grab a quick smoke while he was at it.

So I go in and grab Joe and take him out to where his wife is parked. I had to go that way anyway and like walking around the outside of the plant so nobody can ask me dumbass questions on the way back to the office.

So we walk up to the car and Joe's kid maybe 4 years old and a girl gets out of the car with her mom. The 4 year old starts calling me cracker and basically every other name under the sun, most of them were race based. A solid minute of pure hate, but she had a smile on her face like it was no big deal. Now the kid had little clue what she was doing, so I let it go. I did give Joe and his wife a look of WTF before I continued my journey back to the office.

That kid is being raised to hate, plain and simple. Disgusting to see in person. Got rid of Joe on a minor attendance violation after that. Could have cut him some slack, but [censored] it, let that family be poor and on welfare forever and get used to it.

not that it matters, but to put it into the context of the video, she was as black as could be and had a great body and big real [censored]. i recognized her as a stripper from a few years before that. you never forget a great set of [censored].
I see it at my job, I'm a baker in the middle of the hood. You wouldn't believe how disrespectful the kids are these days. Self entitled little punks growing up under no or very poor supervision. It's really sad.
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child support is killing this country. child support is what enables this type of attitude and lifestyle.

i could have ate Joe and his family for lunch physically if i felt like it but the little kid had no respect and no fear.

reminds me of another story. i was in the titty bar, one of three my old lady works in occasionally. now she was physically disrespected by the DJ there and he does it to all the girls. he was at the bar getting a drink. chunky white dude that likes to act stereotypically black. go figure.

so i go up to him and tell him, he will stop grabbing at my old lady in private or i will boot stomp him. man to man, that was his only warning.

apparently my elbow hit the big hair of a black lady at the bar behind me. not her head, her fucking hair.

now i am a very large man and this lady just has no fear of the giant man dressing down a club employee.

excuse me, you just elbowed my hair.

i can't fucking believe it.

i turn around and go hey lady, i am busy snatching up this dude's manhood and showing him the bitch he is, i ain't got time to deal with you.

she won't stop, maybe you can move away.

me, hey bitch if you don't want my elbow hitting your hair move the fuck away, everything within 3 foot of me wherever i go is mine and i got business here and no time for your bitch ass.

she goes ballistic once i called her a bitch, i let the DJ escape away for a minute and turn my focus on her.

i grab a napkin and write down my address (actually not my exact address but close enough; willing to fight but not get vandalized when i am not there). tell her to grab four or five black dudes in the bar, show them who i am and see if they want to jump me on the way home. told her i would be walking home from the bar and even drew her a little map. told her get your bitch ass up and get your crew or fuck off.

who the fuck was she to talk to me like that. law of the jungle applies still. if you want some, come get some, but don't run your bitch ass mouth to a guy verbally ass raping the staff and think your blackness or your status as a lady is going to save you.

long story short, she left and i haven't seen her ass back in there since.

people need to learn respect. i enjoy teaching it.
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