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ESPN College Gameday (official thread)

Reddit user StrikerObi has broken down team W/Ls by GameDay visits (home & away are both charted):


Ohio State is 10-3 at home, 9-4 on the road, 0-1 at neutral sites, and 4-2 in bowl games with GameDay on hand (23-10 in total appearances for a .696 win %). OSU also holds records for longest win streak (10) and most times as host campus (13).

Florida leads in total appearances (36), followed by Ohio State (33), then Alabama & Florida St (32). Since GameDay has already announced their Week 1 travel destinations this season, Alabama will tie Ohio State for second place at 33 on Saturday, Sep 5 when Alabama plays Wisconsin, then Ohio State will retake second place at 34 two days later on Monday, Sep 7 when GameDay does a special Labor Day broadcast from Blacksburg.
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Peloton’s Jess Sims joining ESPN’s ‘College GameDay’

ESPN is adding a Peloton fan favorite to its “College GameDay” roster.

Jess Sims, a Tread instructor who specializes in running, walking, strength, and boot camp classes, is joining the college football program as a reporter for the 2022-23 season, the network announced Wednesday.

“I am so excited to join the ‘GameDay’ crew because the show not only celebrates all of the on-field action, but also highlights the passionate communities that surround the games,” Sims said in a statement. “This is such a great opportunity to get back to my roots in college sports and I can’t wait to meet incredible athletes and fans and explore these campuses and cities that eat, sleep and breathe their hometown teams.”

Entire article: https://nypost.com/2022/08/04/espn-adds-peloton-instructor-jess-sims-to-college-gameday/

a Tread instructor who specializes in running, walking, strength, and boot camp classes

OK, here's my comment: Whoopie Shit!!!
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Back in my day, you really had to work hard and do something to be on TV. These kids today do a Tick Clock for a stationary bike, and suddenly they're on ET.

Internet content creators (the big ones) frequently hit viewership #s > 100 million. These are #s bigger than a Super Bowl or the M*A*S*H finale. Charli D'Amelio - as just one example - earned $17 million last year from TikTok. She's an 18 year old dancer my daughters watch. People like her earn it, because standing out among 800 million content creators is quite a feat.

Welcome to 2022... The most watched/most influential broadcast or streaming platform in the world is not OTA television, Netflix, YouTube, or Disney+. It is TikTok, and has been for the last five quarters with more than 1.5 billion users and 23 trillion minutes of content consumed.
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Internet content creators (the big ones) frequently hit viewership #s > 100 million. These are #s bigger than a Super Bowl or the M*A*S*H finale. Charli D'Amelio - as just one example - earned $17 million last year from TikTok. She's an 18 year old dancer my daughters watch. People like her earn it, because standing out among 800 million content creators is quite a feat.

Welcome to 2022... The most watched/most influential broadcast or streaming platform in the world is not OTA television, Netflix, YouTube, or Disney+. It is TikTok, and has been for the last five quarters with more than 1.5 billion users and 23 trillion minutes of content consumed.

Interesting read. Thanks, but my comments were more in line with my logo "You kids get off my lawn."
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