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(ESPN) Buckeyes could break NFL draft day record


Will Bryant
Staff member
Thought this was a nice read;


"Since the league adopted the seven-round draft in 1994, only seven programs have had 10 or more players chosen in the same lottery. Miami, which sent 11 players to the league in the 2002 draft, holds the record for the seven-round lottery. The Buckeyes, though, could top that, with scouts estimating Ohio State could have 12-14 players chosen this year."

Obviously it's a useless 'record' even if we do hit it. But it speaks to the ridiculous amount of talent we had on our national championship team. I hate to sound like an OSU fan, and bitch about a 2-loss season that ended in a BCS bowl win, but one has to wonder if we might have actually underachieved last year.
What's even more mind-boggling is the fact that we could have four OL playing on Sundays from last year's line which was clearly our weakest area on either side of the ball. Just how could've our OL been so frickin' inconsistent with four potential NFL lineman?
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"playing on Sundays" is a bit inaccurate. Of those 4, two will be lucky to be drafted on the first day (Step and maybe Olivea). I can't really see any besides Step playing in the NFL any time soon. The other three are most likely NFL Europe bound. Bishop couldn't even keep his starting spot and Olivea couldn't keep his pants from fallng down.
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Cleve: The fact that Clarke and Bishop are even being seriously considered in the draft is surprising. Olivea was a decent lineman, but only Stepanovich in my mind is an NFL caliber lineman. Yet the chances are very good that all four will be on NFL teams.
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What's even more mind-boggling is the fact that we could have four OL playing on Sundays from last year's line which was clearly our weakest area on either side of the ball. Just how could've our OL been so frickin' inconsistent with four potential NFL lineman?
When I ask myself that, and I have many times, I keep coming back to Bollman. If there isn't vast improvement this year with the type of lineman he wants, then it may be time to cut him loose.
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The fact that Bishop and Clarke could have jobs on Sunday afternoons speaks to the thinning talent in the NFL.
32 teams multiplied by 8 is 256 offensive linemen in the NFL.Some teams may carry 9 linemen. I'm not sure. Thats not to mention injured reserve and taxi squads.
It's no special feat to be an NFL linemen.
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Cleve: "Yea, but even Bellisari was on an NFL team for a year."

Bellisari wasn;t playing the position he played (or failed to play) in college either...in the NFL he was playing the position that 99.9% of the folks who have a clue about football thought he should've been playing in college all along. Huge difference.

ashland: "The fact that Bishop and Clarke could have jobs on Sunday afternoons speaks to the thinning talent in the NFL.
32 teams multiplied by 8 is 256 offensive linemen in the NFL.Some teams may carry 9 linemen. I'm not sure. Thats not to mention injured reserve and taxi squads.
It's no special feat to be an NFL linemen"

Yeah, and there's 240 D-IA and D-IAA colleges teams, each with 10-12 OL on the team. Assuming an even distribution on OL over classes (FR, SO, etc.) that would be about 3 senior OL per team. That's 720 draft-eligible OL (and that's not counting any outstanding junior OL who declare early) out of which only 30-40 at most will be picked. Oh yeah, I left out any sleeper prospects from D-II, D-II, NAIA, or JUCOs. Two can play the math game.
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Genetics and thinning talent is the only reason someone like Bryce Bishop could ever be considered an NFL prospect. The guy was terrible and any one that watched the Buckeyes should admit to that. Clarke wasn't much better.
If they can make it, it is no special feat.
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actually....clarke was really solid after he recovered from his back injury his junior year.....his play against michigan 02 and the fiesta bowl..miami...was easily the best on the line...

he also had a decent senior year...im not saying hes going to be an all-pro....but he is going to be a real sleeper in round 4,5 or 6....heck...if tyson walter can start...clarke sure as hell can....
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C: "But it speaks to the ridiculous amount of talent we had on our national championship team. I hate to sound like an OSU fan, and bitch about a 2-loss season that ended in a BCS bowl win, but one has to wonder if we might have actually underachieved last year."

I don't think people realize (especially not Miami or their fans at the time), just how much talent we had on that team. I don't think anyone can say anything about 2003, because the bottom line is, OSU didn't have a Tailback. Ohio State can't win without that great production from that position, and that's the truth - we won all our National Championships & had all our success over 100 years running the football.

Had Clarett not gotten suspended, I firmly believe that we'd be on Back to Back Titles and a 27 game win streak right now. People don't realize how much that kid cost us .. that's one major reason why he'll never be accepted back here under any circumstances.
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Sloopy45 said:
People don't realize how much that kid cost us .. that's one major reason why he'll never be accepted back here under any circumstances.

So you put the winning of the national championship on Clarett's shoulders. Well, he get you one. That's one more than Eddie or Archie. If you want to blame him for not winning in 03, you have to credit him for winning in 02. One national title is more than all but 6 other OSU halfbacks delivered.

And I don't buy it anyway. If someone can explain how Maurice Clarett could have stopped scum from scoring 35 points on us, I'd love to hear it.
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"If someone can explain how Maurice Clarett could have stopped scum from scoring 35 points on us, I'd love to hear it."

The dynamics of the game would've been completely different had we had Clarett and thus a strong running game. We did jack frickin' squat on offense the first 25 minutes of the game, and Michigan had the ball nearly every down it seemed. We keep the ball a lot more on offense in the first half and our defense doesn't get worn down. Now, is it to say that if he had Clarett that Michigan scores only 21 or 28 points (if that)? Maybe, maybe not. But I don't think that the Michigan offense would've got into the groove that it did had we had a strong possession type offense.
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I understand that point, but what about a game like against Indiana, where Lydell had a great day and we had a killer passing game. What if we pipe the ball to Big Mo and he fumbles 3 times like he did against NW? I know, we still would have beaten Indiana anyway, but the specific game is not the point. Having Clarett would change the dynamics of other games as well.

I just find the whole idea of laying no national championship in 03 on Maurice's soldiers. That would mean that the 02 championship was on his shoulders, and that he has done more to bring national chamionships to this program then almost anybody else. I reject both premises. Clarett was not solely responsible for winning the 02 championship, and he certainly is noy solely responsible for not winning the 03 championship. Besides, if MoC had gone to ND to begin with, by Sloopy's logic we'd have 0 national championships. Isn't 1 better than 0?

And why is Cris Carter accepted back? Is it Maurice's fault that the other players on the team in 03 were better than the other players on the team in 87?
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