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Possible Clapton address

I found property records online and it lists a property at 397 Pingree Dr, Worthington OH 43085. Property is listed in his wife's name with previous address from CA. There are a few other properties in the McEnery name around there.
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LTbass;1594897; said:
I found property records online and it lists a property at 397 Pingree Dr, Worthington OH 43085. Property is listed in his wife's name with previous address from CA. There are a few other properties in the McEnery name around there.

Are you going to start a bus tour?

Oh wait I forgot this was an all you can stalk Clapton forum!

WTF when did we turn into TMZ?
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LTbass;1594894; said:
I found property records online and it lists a property at 397 Pingree Dr, Worthington OH 43085. Property is listed in his wife's name

LTbass;1594895; said:
I found property records online and it lists a property at 397 Pingree Dr, Worthington OH 43085. Property is listed in his wife's name

LTbass;1594897; said:
I found property records online and it lists a property at 397 Pingree Dr, Worthington OH 43085. Property is listed in his wife's name with previous address from CA. There are a few other properties in the McEnery name around there.

Holy Post Padding, Batman!
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I thought this was a well known fact. Heck, when I was in college in the mid to late 90's people knew Clapton had a house in the Columbus area. I think it's off Route 33, and I have even heard people saying he often runs along that road (of course that was 10 years ago, so he may not do that anymore).
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I found property records online and it lists a property at 397 Pingree Dr, Worthington OH 43085. Property is listed in his wife's name with previous address from CA. There are a few other properties in the McEnery name around there.
Highly doubt that is his house. Middle of an older Worthington neighborhood? Auditor shows no transfers since 1990.
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