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How MUCH House in Columbus Ohio For 3.1 Million?

Here?s a GOOD look at what you can get for the money for a cool 3.1 million dollars in Columbus, Ohio? so heads up, you celebs, sports figures, and money moguls! ... C?mon you coastal jet setters? we?re a short plane hop away, and we can offer you all the privacy you crave. And compare how much more your dollars will buy you in the hearty Midwest (and aw, shucks, we even have a few trendy and fun places to visit?. ask Eric Clapton? he lives in the Columbus/ Delaware area and can give you a few suggestions?

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His wife was a student a Bishop Watterson high school in the late '90s, concurrent with my sister's enrollment. No age disparity there. :lol:
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OH10;960313; said:
Rock Stars like their wives like they like their cars. When one wears down, you trade it in for a newer model.

Don't kid yourself. Rock stars like their women like ALL men like em, if all of them COULD AFFORD TO TRADE UP. We have a radio host here in Cali that says "Men date and marry the women they can afford at the time." :biggrin:
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OCBuckWife;960322; said:
Don't kid yourself. Rock stars like their women like ALL men like em, if all of them COULD AFFORD TO TRADE UP. We have a radio host here in Cali that says "Men date and marry the women they can afford at the time." :biggrin:

What can I say? Men like their women like they like their cars. Always looking for the newer model, but mindful of what we can afford.
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JCOSU86;960258; said:
Likened the central OH countryside to the English Countryside, huh?

Never heard that before.

Actually, I think he said something like, "you can drive out of town and get to places south of town that look like the English countryside pretty quick".

I used to drive up from London to Nottingham on a consulting project and there were lots of times that it reminded me of Lancaster, Logan, Athens, McConnellsville and that region.
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Steve19;960684; said:
Actually, I think he said something like, "you can drive out of town and get to places south of town that look like the English countryside pretty quick".

I used to drive up from London to Nottingham on a consulting project and there were lots of times that it reminded me of Lancaster, Logan, Athens, McConnellsville and that region.

Absolutely true- the Hocking Hills bear a strong resemblance to the periphery of the Lake District and Pennines.
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He and his wife have delivered at least one and I think two of their kids at Riverside. they basically put them down at the end of a hall and keep all the rooms around them empty. He has a couple security guys keep everyone away from them while they are there.
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Buck Nasty;961123; said:
He and his wife have delivered at least one and I think two of their kids at Riverside. they basically put them down at the end of a hall and keep all the rooms around them empty. He has a couple security guys keep everyone away from them while they are there.

TGfan06;960292; said:
That is what I thought too, but my neighbor said that he lived in one of those mansions off of Dublin Road or Riverside dr. Maybe he bought Big Daddys house?

I found property records online and it lists a property at 397 Pingree Dr, Worthington OH 43085. Property is listed in his wife's name
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