Wolverine is largest member of weasel family
My wife calls me this morning at work and sounds awful. She tells me she fell down the stairs and thinks she broke her arm. I came home and took her in. Fortunately, it is only a crushed arm (never heard that term before).
Between my younger son and my wife, my family is averaging a trip to the ER every 2.5 months at this point (4 trips the last 10 months). For the love of God, I would just like to stay out of ANY ER for the next six months.
Oh yeah, she is on Vicadin (sp?) and it is pretty funny.
Between my younger son and my wife, my family is averaging a trip to the ER every 2.5 months at this point (4 trips the last 10 months). For the love of God, I would just like to stay out of ANY ER for the next six months.
Oh yeah, she is on Vicadin (sp?) and it is pretty funny.