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(Duplicate) Defensive Coordinator Luke Fickell (official thread)

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NFBuck;2035491; said:
We've grown used to exceptional play in November under JT, just one of the many things he spoiled us with for 10 years. This team is regressing, or at least not improving. That's never a good sign.

Add in that they have played uninspired and flat for two straight weeks and you've got real problems.
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While I have first hand knowledge that there are a myriad of duties, responsibilities, expectations ect. involved in being a coach at the highest levels of College athletics, and admitting I have a limited view of our program from a distance, I just don't feel I've seen much, if any, coaching of football this year. Obviously that's not solely the Head mans job or fault, but it is his responsibility and duty.
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Being saddled with an offensive staff like this one would put anyone behind the 8 ball. I feel badly for Luke because I think he was set up to fail from the beginning. The defense is young and it thinking at times. Thinking will slow you down more than anything. I also go back to what I drunkenly posted last night about fatigue. I just think this squad is mentally whipped from all the drama surrounding them. Not their fault (well, the fault lies with several of them).

Couple that with the season long drama of suspensions due to the incredibly selfish acts of a few players and a coach and you get what we have this year: Inconsistent play from the young guys and some of the older guys who don't get coached very well. The O line has been dominant at times this year, but also have the head scratching stretches that make a limited offense even more limited. Braxton doing his level best, but not having the luxury of a staff that can create a game plan that he can work through. You telling me that quick slants and tight end drags are considered "precision" plays and long developing pass patterns with multiple reads aren't? It's hard to fathom.

The fact that it lets coaches like Danny Hope crow for a couple of minutes ("Take away the quarterback draws and it's not much of a contest") should only serve to fuel future fires.
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TresselstillownsTSUN;2035504; said:
Urban Meyer didn't buy a house in UA, that is 100% rumor. When he came to Cbus to call the Akron game he stayed with Earle. Why would he stay with coach Bruce when he could stay just at his own home?

Where is your proof in this?

I am disappointed in the coaching this year. Yeah they've came out and played well in big games (although couldn't finish strong, and almost blew both).

The time management, management of the game as a whole has not been good all year. Play calling is another issue.

I don't understand how we come out so flat against a mediocre team at best almost every game this year against mediocre teams. That's one of the biggest red flags in my mind
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I don't have any negatives towards LF other than lack of HC experience and that he and the staff are part of what went on here lately fairness usually has little to do with firing a coach. We need to clean house and have a fresh start with a competent and experienced staff who haven't been swirling in the midst of compliance issues.. a new staff doesn't have to answer the questions of what did you know and why did you allow it to continue..
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I get that given the hand he was dealt, some of you want to give Luke more time. So my question is how much time will it take? I know some have said one more year with a new offensive staff. The only problem with that is what offensive genius is going to want to come to OSU to be OC for what would be year 2 of the Luke Fickell audition. At best we will get some "up and coming" coach off a Mountain West or MAC team. At worst, we would get the Luke Fickell version of hiring "Friends and Family" Plan (see Mike Vrabel) or, God Forbid, a retool of the current staff with Bollman still in place. Also, giving Luke a second year to "audition" will depress (notice I did not say devastate) recruiting in 2013 to go with a "depressed" class in 2012.

If Luke is your guy , you give him three years from this year. But remember, it only took Rich Rod 3 years to turn scUM into a ash heap and he had a much better resume then Luke does. If you think you are not risking 10 years of mediocracy, you are wrong.

I know Luke got dealt a bad hand. But he has not played the cards he was dealt well. And that is why I do not think he is the coach for this program right now.
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BuckeyeMac;2035506; said:
Where is your proof in this?

Go to the Franklin County Auditor's Property Search site. I searched for "Meyer" and I didn't find an Urban or a Shelley, so I'm calling bullshit on this rumor.

Now I'm not that smart, but I'm pretty sure that if you buy a home you have to be registered with the Auditor. He could have bought a house in Powell or Lewis Center which would be in Delaware county, but I'm too lazy to check their Auditor's website. If any of this is incorrect then by all means tell me.

Oh god I just made the first crazy coaching search post. I need to go take a shower.
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EdgarStyles;2035519; said:
Go to the Franklin County Auditor's Property Search site. I searched for "Meyer" and I didn't find an Urban or a Shelley, so I'm calling bullshit on this rumor.

Now I'm not that smart, but I'm pretty sure that if you buy a home you have to be registered with the Auditor. He could have bought a house in Powell or Lewis Center which would be in Delaware county, but I'm too lazy to check their Auditor's website. If any of this is incorrect then by all means tell me.

Oh god I just made the first crazy coaching search post. I need to go take a shower.

You could always form a corporate entity and use it to purchase the property, or hire an agent to purchase the property in his or her name and transfer it to you at a later date. :tinfoil:
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I honestly don't know if the record would be any better this year if JT had still been around. With everything that happened player-wise this was going to be a down year. JT was a good coach, but he never seemed to get the most out of his offensive talent. IMO Fickell would be a better couch next year if he had the chance to reshape the staff. Fickell is still young enough that he could be the coach of the future for OSU if he stays on the staff assuming they bring in a coach like Meyer. That might be the best move for everyone. I can only imagine how much better Fickell would be if he got to spend 5-8 years under a coach like Meyer.
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exhawg;2035534; said:
I honestly don't know if the record would be any better this year if JT had still been around. With everything that happened player-wise this was going to be a down year. JT was a good coach, but he never seemed to get the most out of his offensive talent. IMO Fickell would be a better couch next year if he had the chance to reshape the staff. Fickell is still young enough that he could be the coach of the future for OSU if he stays on the staff assuming they bring in a coach like Meyer. That might be the best move for everyone. I can only imagine how much better Fickell would be if he got to spend 5-8 years under a coach like Meyer.


But...Tressel was a master gameplanner. He found a way to get it done 81% of the time.
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NFBuck;2035479; said:
It's a little early to totally write him off, but he hasn't been very impressive. That's the risk you take in hiring a first time HC. But, I think they have a lot of issues beyond coaching. Brantley has never shown that he's even an average QB, and Rainey and Demps are midgets that don't really fit cholly's prefered schematical advantage.

But yet, it is not to early to write off Fickell. Even though Fickell is hampered with a bad offensive coordinator, young receivers and QB, and numerous suspensions to start the year. Muschamp was able to pick his entire coaching staff. He made the decision to hire that big tub of goo as his offensive coordinator.
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