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(Duplicate) Defensive Coordinator Luke Fickell (official thread)

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nookam;1930066; said:
Once the penalties come down,and inevitable loss of scholarships this will change. It will take a big-time, big-name coach to bring immediate success back to our Buckeyes.

It depend entirely on how harsh the penalties are. You underestimate how pro OSU (not only pro JT) many top players are. This is especially true in NE Ohio.
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Man, I remember the sentiment that it was just about a given that JT would leave the program in better shape then he found it.

Now we have so many questions and this will have a ripple affect. Hopefully Coach Fick can handle the storm.
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There is no question recruiting will take a hit if we lose ships or have a post season ban.

The good news about OSU is that we own Ohio and will have a base of talent coming in regardless that will accelerate a rebound.

The bad news. The truly horrific news, is that it will be wide open for Hoke to make inroads into Ohio. With the great talent available in-state this year it is both the best and worst timing for sanctions.
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Coach Fickell is the silver lining in this whole miserable storm. As a fellow St. Francis DeSales grad, I am admittedly biased, but -- under the circumstances, we couldn't ask for a harder working, more competitive, clean cut, by-the-book guy to be at the helm.
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Well, regardless of the situation today, Coach Tress HAS left the program in a better position than it has ever been (at least since Woody). Better AYP/API, more kids graduating, second GPA in the B10, plus if you look at it through my rose colored glasses, less infractions (think Miami, Fla St, Colorado, USC, UCLA, Iowa, etc). Controlling 85+ kids who think the world owes them something (because they've been treated like that for all their adolescent lives), is difficult. Add to the mix a body of well-heeled alums who want their program to be the best, because they like to strut at their clubs.

At the end of the day, Tress has gone out like Woody, Earl, Coop, pretty much like all OSU football coaches depart. Not the way one would like to retire, with a little bit of mud on the vest, but the place is in better shape then he got it. Coach Luke is coming into the job with the cupboard pretty full, and with a program that doesn't have any major problems ( I see a bunch of little things adding up to a big one).

No, I don't think we can put up a statue of Tress, but we do owe him our thanks for giving us a fantastic decade of great OSU football.

Go Bucks! Always and Onward!

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After feeling down and sad/depressed all day yesterday. I woke up this morning and came to work figuring to hear crap all day. Obviously the radio guys on the way in were talking about it. Every paper/website is talking about it. It's become overwhelming to the point where now my sadness has turned into anger. lots of anger. I want the season to start tomorrow. I want silver bullets flying around the field taking no prisoners and unleashing lots and lots of pain on opponents. I want this...and hopefully Fickell can rally the troops and get it done.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMCaHxZuf94"]YouTube - ‪Major League: Win the whole f*cking thing!"‬‏[/ame]
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Oh8ch;1930148; said:
There is no question recruiting will take a hit if we lose ships or have a post season ban.
In normal cases I would agree with this.... but USC not only did ok but Stole a Big Time Glenville recruit while under their current probation. In this day and age kids may not care about that if it's only 1-2 years. Junior and Senior season is where they would make their money and could feel like they could ba a kid to turn a big time program around.
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Most of the recruits would be wanting to see who the head coach will be, but more importantly, the position coaches that come aboard. Michigan went from a pro offense to a west coast offense due to the incoming OC and HC. The defense went into the toilet.

Coach Luke will be continuity - for now- but who will be coming in. Maybe this is the time Heacock hangs 'em up too? That means a new DC at the least, and maybe a directional change that requires a different type of player than currently is here. All the kids OSU was/is recruiting 'fit' the mold of the current offense and defense structures. They know that, and with the surrounding talent already aboard, they see where they fit or do not. Remember Ryan Mallet? Great QB, but didn't 'fit' up north.

All head coaches want people who are loyal to them, and those loyalties are built up over the years. If I were a recruit, I'd look for stability (OSU isn't right now) and a good 'fit'. Not knowing what's going to happen next year - and that's the first time these recruits show up on campus - is a pretty scary thing. As I understand it, Fickell is OSU's premier recruiter, and what's he gonna say, "Come to OSU, I'm the HC now, but I cannot promise you I"ll be HC when you're a freshman" that won't cut the mustard with a potential superstar player....and a new HC probably means new position coaches, who are not the guys recruiting the kids now.....life will get interesting on the farm.....

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BrutusBobcat;1930153; said:
Coach Fickell is the silver lining in this whole miserable storm. As a fellow St. Francis DeSales grad, I am admittedly biased, but -- under the circumstances, we couldn't ask for a harder working, more competitive, clean cut, by-the-book guy to be at the helm.

We will be just fine with LF as Head Coach. Remember Pat Fitzgerald at NW? The Bucks will be fine!!! :oh:
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I really like Luke... I think this is a guy who could be a long term legend here as our HC. There are other candidates who are being mentioned in the media all over the place as either members of the FFCA (Fired Football Coaches Assoc.) or "worn out" coaches turned analysts. you also have the big fish guys who are already at major programs that will inevitably spend their days during bowl season telling the media they have "No interest" in the position at OSU while they try to prepare for BCS Bowls with their current team.... Are these other guys good coaches? Sure.
I think what we have here in Coach Fickell is a guy who is a brilliant, enthusiastic, smart Football guy who grew up in the shadow of the Ohio Stadium. He has been here for 9 seasons as an assistant and has been extremely successful as an assistant here for the last nine years. Of all the guys on the staff who have a ton more experience, why was Fickell chosen? Probably because he is a guy who could realistically be THE guy to take this program by the horns and be the next great Head Coach for THE Ohio State Buckeyes. At only 32 years of age, he could be here for a very long time.
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In Luke I trust

Luke is a guy that has taken on responsibility in a short time in his career. Born and bred Scarlet and Gray. Turned down many opportunities over his career to stay at OSU. Tremendous recruiter and relates well do to his age with the players. In the cloud of darkness around the program as an Alumni I believe this has the potential to be a ray of light. If he has a above average season 3 losses without TP and other players he should get more opportunity. If he has a magical season that is the stuff that new legends are made of.. He was a lineman and being in the dirty trenches has been in his blood. Good luck Luke you deserve it and hope you can break through the clouds and learn from your mentors mistakes.
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