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(Duplicate) Defensive Coordinator Luke Fickell (official thread)

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yeah he really did THAT bad tonight... Pass pro was I thought excellent tonight and for Bauserman to go 2 of 13 and Braxton only to get 4 throws is just criminal.

The timeouts at the end though was pretty bad... You have to start calling some TO's to atleast give ur defense a breather and give them a shot. Left his Defense out to dry and let his team know he thought it was over.

The last two games we've been outcoached very convincingly. Jacory threw two picks and we still couldn't do anything. All know all I need to know about fickell if he starts Bauserman next week.
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UpNorth_Buckeye;1994130; said:
Perhaps play the qb who had an interception on a tipped pass and a fumble on a play near the end of the game where he was just trying to make a play. I'm not sure I stick with the qb who maybe had one good throw all night and whose best play was literally a play action rollout and then throw it away.

The play where the ball was tipped it was thrown behind the receiver anyway
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Lets hope this serves as a learning experience for Fickell. I would love for him to continue on, the protege of Tressel. However he's got to show more, more of what I don't know.... I've never played organized football at any level, It just feels like he's missing something... and I hope he finds it and comes out and kicks ass and takes names on his way...

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I'm still not sure what I want Fickell to do with the QB situation. Bauserman is a solid backup for a starter we don't have. I'd like to get on the Braxton bandwagon, but he seems as likely to undo gains as to make them at this point, and I'm not sure that's going to fix itself soon enough.

The only thing I'm sure about is that I'm not too happy with an Oakland Raider today.
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OhioState001;1994139; said:
The play where the ball was tipped it was thrown behind the receiver anyway

At least it wasn't a knuckleball and 5 feet over the receiver, which is what we were getting from Bauserman tonight. I'm not trying to say that we win this game either way. I think both qbs weren't good enough to win us the game tonight, but I truly think Miller gave us the better opportunity.

And if I seem combative, I apologize. It's 95% frustration from what I just witnessed. It's not you, it's me :tongue2:
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UpNorth_Buckeye;1994169; said:
At least it wasn't a knuckleball and 5 feet over the receiver, which is what we were getting from Bauserman tonight. I'm not trying to say that we win this game either way. I think both qbs weren't good enough to win us the game tonight, but I truly think Miller gave us the better opportunity.

And if I seem combative, I apologize. It's 95% frustration from what I just witnessed. It's not you, it's me :tongue2:

I'd agree with you
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Deety;1994146; said:
I'm still not sure what I want Fickell to do with the QB situation. Bauserman is a solid backup for a starter we don't have. I'd like to get on the Braxton bandwagon, but he seems as likely to undo gains as to make them at this point.

We can struggle offensively with either of them. The difference is, one of them is building for the future. The other is just treading water. I go with the future.
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Did some of you watch the damn game? Fickell did all he could do? Umm... what? He kept Bauserman in, that's the worst thing he could have done. Yeah Braxton turned it over, but hard to come in when down big on the road and expect the kid to bring us back. He should have been in there in the first place. Heck, should have given him some reps last week in a tight game to get his feet wet in that situation. Not to mention Braxton was barely given chances to throw the ball, it was all handoffs, and finall they decided to let him run it.

Fickell isn't ready to be a head coach, especially at high profile OSU. How any of you can say it wasn't very largely his fault is astounding? I'm sorry but I have to wonder if you aren't just in denial and trying to be nice....

Good god....
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This game needs to be a major learning experience for Luke. IMO it's time for a change at offensive play caller. We are lacking talent and/or experience mainly at WR, but there is no way we should see passing game production like that.
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AuTX Buckeye;1994144; said:
Lets hope this serves as a learning experience for Fickell. I would love for him to continue on, the protege of Tressel. However he's got to show more, more of what I don't know.... I've never played organized football at any level, It just feels like he's missing something... and I hope he finds it and comes out and kicks ass and takes names on his way...


I was hoping last week would've been a learning experience, but like a lot of our fans it seems he bought into the notion that Toledo is really good. If he comes out with the same approach next week our fate (and his) will likely be sealed. :ohwell:
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Deety;1994146; said:
I'm still not sure what I want Fickell to do with the QB situation. Bauserman is a solid backup for a starter we don't have. I'd like to get on the Braxton bandwagon, but he seems as likely to undo gains as to make them at this point, and I'm not sure that's going to fix itself soon enough.

The only thing I'm sure about is that I'm not too happy with an Oakland Raider today.

No he is not. He is a poor excuse for a 3rd string QB, let alone the starter.
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Jake;1994180; said:
We can struggle offensively with either of them. The difference is, one of them is building for the future. The other is just treading water. I go with the future.
Agree in principal, but I also see a lot of stuff hitting the fan when on-the-job training takes more than a few quarters.
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TDG;1994118; said:
I don't blame Fickell for the loss tonight; the talent just isn't there. Ultimately he gave both QBs a pretty good chance, and neither of them particularly impressed. Maybe it's just that I, unlike most people it seems, don't think it's obvious that we need to drop Bauserman for Miller. Bauserman is at the very least a steady hand who won't turn the ball over, and tonight he was the victim of a lot of drops, not that he threw the ball that well. Miller doesn't appear comfortable with our playbook or in the pocket, and turned the ball over twice tonight, which you have to expect from a true freshman QB. Seems like a lose-lose for Fickell, he'll be blamed and second-guessed no matter what. I sure as hell don't envy him.

There were 2 or 3 drops, and even then the passes were dying quails. Pretty much every single pass he threw was awful.

FTR...I am not trying to bash him. Yet that was a horrible performance by Bauserman. There is essentially zero upside there. On the other hand, Braxton has a ton of upside. At this point, there is no reason to play Bauserman unless Miller gets hurt. Of course I really wished the coaches would have pounded into his head you can run around with the football like it's a loaf of bread.
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