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(Duplicate) Defensive Coordinator Luke Fickell (official thread)

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ORD_Buckeye;1942448; said:
This. Gene Smith is a simple careerist with no attachment or loyalty to Ohio State. He's always come off as viewing this position as a checklist on his ride to.....Notre Dame?, running the ncaa?

Smith (should he be around to make the decision) is the one thing that Fickell can't control and Fickell could very well be collateral damage in Smith's attempt to save his reputation or salvage his job. For the reasons that many have stated, I dearly hope that he's not around to make the decision.

He put off this vibe the first time he went to an athletic event and didnt wear anything Ohio State....he is a merc
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bassbuckeye07;1942452; said:
He put off this vibe the first time he went to an athletic event and didnt wear anything Ohio State....he is a merc

I'll make a prediction right now that, when he's gone, his damage control/image rehab will be to portray his time at Ohio State as that of some sort white knight vainly fighting a "corrupt culture" from the inside.

Just my gut feeling and nothing more. Time will tell.
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MililaniBuckeye;1942435; said:
Even if penalties aren't that bad and we're able to attract "big name" targets, should Fickell lead us to an 11-2 better record, with his familiarity and knowledge of the program, his tie-in to the school due to his being a former player, his ability to recruit, and his established relationships with hig schools coaches throughout the state, he should get the permanent gig.

I agree. I just wonder what the Board of Trustees is thinking.

If Fickell goes 11-2 after all of this, he deserves the opportunity. Hell, he might even beat Kirk Ferentz for Coach of the Year.
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808 Buck;1942642; said:
I agree. I just wonder what the Board of Trustees is thinking.


A BOTs always lives in its own reality.
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808 Buck;1942642; said:
I agree. I just wonder what the Board of Trustees is thinking.

If Fickell goes 11-2 after all of this, he deserves the opportunity. Hell, he might even beat Kirk Ferentz for Coach of the Year.

Due diligence. They're not going to remove the interim tag from Fickell until the ncaa delivers its final report, and he is formally absolved of any involvement or prior knowledge.
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ORD_Buckeye;1942709; said:
Due diligence. They're not going to remove the interim tag from Fickell until the ncaa delivers its final report, and he is formally absolved of any involvement or prior knowledge.

At least until then. I'd also like to see him lead this team against an opponent with a pulse, too. He has the keys to the car - at least make him show he knows how to drive one before signing the title over to him.
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jlb1705;1942718; said:
At least until then. I'd also like to see him lead this team against an opponent with a pulse, too. He has the keys to the car - at least make him show he knows how to drive one before signing the title over to him.

Buckrock;1942735; said:

+2, but...

As much as I am pulling for Coach Nose Guard to do well, he needs to prove it. I was pulling for Spielman to do well as a coach too...

That said, handing him the keys in a way where it costs but a pittance to get the keys back is not that big a deal; but that brings us back to Ord's point.
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DaddyBigBucks;1942743; said:
+2, but...

As much as I am pulling for Coach Nose Guard to do well, he needs to prove it. I was pulling for Spielman to do well as a coach too...

That said, handing him the keys in a way where it costs but a pittance to get the keys back is not that big a deal; but that brings us back to Ord's point.

Maybe those who are watching recruiting more closely than I do will disagree with this, but I'm starting to see this year's recruiting losses as a sunk cost. In the long term I think it would cost the program much more to not be thorough and deliberate with this process.
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jlb1705;1942808; said:
Maybe those who are watching recruiting more closely than I do will disagree with this, but I'm starting to see this year's recruiting losses as a sunk cost. In the long term I think it would cost the program much more to not be thorough and deliberate with this process.

You are spot on here.....I'm glad i'm not a recruitnik (nothing wrong with that)....if you follow it super close i'm sure its maddening

There are vultures pecking at our corpse...but we soon will awaken and grab their necks and twist them off
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jlb1705;1942808; said:
Maybe those who are watching recruiting more closely than I do will disagree with this, but I'm starting to see this year's recruiting losses as a sunk cost. In the long term I think it would cost the program much more to not be thorough and deliberate with this process.

bassbuckeye07;1942811; said:
You are spot on here.....I'm glad i'm not a recruitnik (nothing wrong with that)....if you follow it super close i'm sure its maddening

There are vultures pecking at our corpse...but we soon will awaken and grab their necks and twist them off

This is exactly the point I was making when people were panicking and calling Geiger names back in 2001. That hire worked out OK IMHO. The same kind of deliberation would serve just as well this time.
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korchiki;1942409; said:
Hey Duane Long get off the ledge. I'd rather lose out on guys now than right before signing day if we have a new coach named. This way we at least get a chance to backfill that scholarship with a worthy candidate

Once the season starts and we start winning again things will be fine.

Duane Long I am not. I'm just simply stating that it is not a huge issue to suck up the potential cost and TRY to shore up the stability issue now instead of waiting until it is too late and our guys end up elsewhere and in particular, other B10 schools that could haunt us down the road. We've had one recruit back out (although not unexpected), one end up at UM, one at MSU, one at Whisky and now Kalis is looking (may not be much too it, but he is blowing off our camp that he said he intended on showing up to in order to show support and is instead going to "their" camp).

Honestly, if they wait and/or have already decided that Luke isn't their man in the long term, then it will kill our recruiting for at least this year and if they don't get the big named guy (Urban?), it will likely set up back next year as well. While those loses will not have an impact this year or even perhaps next, it will impact years 3 and 4. A two year gap with poor recruiting results will kill us for several seasons and, in turn, help our competition grow stronger.

Unless they've already worked out an agreement with Urban, the interim tag will hurt.

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