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We have all Dells too. About 400 desktops, 60 notebooks, 10 servers, and some printers. All in all I'd say they're better than most. It's probably worth it to pay for extended support, especially on a notebook. I've heard their home customer support is all Indian, but the people I deal with are great.
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I have had 3 Dells. Two desktops and one notebook. The notebook is a 6000. Can't really beat it for the price. I did have a problem with my notebook. The RAM must have been installed poorly, but it took 3 hours to get someone at there customer support to help me out (about 2 1/2 hours of run around).

Overall, the prices are good for what you get. Customer service kinda sucks. My experience wasn't as bad as Clarity.

BTW...don't use a phone for service. Online support is much better. Luckily I have more than one computer.
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Looks like I am in the minority here........I hate Dell. Had nothing but problems with their notebooks. Usually the power supply crapping out. Dell will charge $700 just to look at it when it's out of warranty. They can blow me.

Have owned 3 HP laptops now, and I love em to death.

As far as Desktops go, building them (or having them built) is the only way to go.
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i agree 100% with that, i have build my last 4 for home use, its the best way

My first non Mac was a Dell back in 99. That computer lasted until this year when the motherboard went bad. My next 3 computers were all discount computers that I found on various websites. They aren't the best but they all serve their purpose. I'm at the point now that I will build my own computer, which I basically did with my most recent barebones kit. If I ever get an extra $1000 or so I'll build myself a really good computer, but I don't really do anything that requires that good of a system.

My whole office are on Dells now, but they are phasing out laptops since desktops are much cheaper and the company is growing pretty fast. When I started 3 years ago everyone had laptops. I'm hoping my Latitude holds out as long as I'm here or else I'll have to buy my own laptop. I swear I see 3 or 4 dell boxes roll by every week.

For anyone who isn't a computer person Dell is probably the way to go if you can deal with the offshore support. I agree with Bmax and brutus about building your own if you can. It helps that I have copies of all of the XP software that I can install as many times as I want.
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I just gotta say that I think Clarity's post with the Dell correspondence remains, hands down, the greatest post ever made on BP.

I just re-read that message again and found myself in tears with laughter again. Simply too much. If you haven't read it, do yourself a favor and read it...but wait until you're really down in the dumps!
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