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DT Luke Fickell (HC Wisconsin Badgers)

WoodyWorshiper;1981997; said:
Coach gets an A+ today.

Hope to see this coaching crew around for about the next 25 years. With Coach "Fick" and Coach Vrabel at the helm, it's refreshing to see TRUE BUCKEYES running the show. LOVED these kids as players, RESPECT the hell out of them as coaches.

CONGRATS! And keep'em coming!:oh:

Please explain.
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As I watched the opener today I couldn't help but see Fickell's stamp nearly instantly on the vibe of the game. They blitzed a ton on defense and the kids played more relentless today, almost a bit scared to let the team down. I love it. If I had to best describe the overall vibe of what I think a Fickell led team will be, it would be a blend of the Cooper and Tressel eras together. It may sound silly, but I saw a lot of the Fickell/Vrabel days in the way that team played today. They were fundamentally sound and seemed to be having a lot of fun today.....lots of emotion. I loved Tress, but I think his coolness and conservative nature was also something that kept his team from believing they were the baddest bunch around. Sometimes I don't think the kids were scared of him. Fickell's guys played angry today....and it was a blast to watch.
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Did anyone keep score on the Urban Meyer vs Chris Speilman coach in waiting derby? :slappy: I guess if it had just been UB in the both it would have been a lot less entertaining? I'm sure there will be those that say "See! I tiold you! He's interested!"
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Taosman;1982170; said:
Did anyone keep score on the Urban Meyer vs Chris Speilman coach in waiting derby? :slappy: I guess if it had just been UB in the both it would have been a lot less entertaining? I'm sure there will be those that say "See! I tiold you! He's interested!"

Funny, I remember thinking that Urban definitely sounded interesting in coaching that team after he said something to the effect of wow, I'm really excited about the future of Braxton Miller. :biggrin:

But seriously, Urban couldn't have gushed more about Braxton. Pretty obvious who'd be playing if he was coach.
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after listening to those two, and watching Fick's first game, I would rank the three as
1. Fickell
2. Fickell if he goes blind
3. Fickell if he has a lobotomy
4. Spielman
5. Urban stuck-up Meyer

I'm looking forward to the new Woody vs Bo, Fick vs Brady the Joke Hoke.

on another note, I'm sure the staff knows that Toledo will be 3 times as good as Akron. They are for real, within the context of maybe being the best team in the MAC.

can't wait for next week!
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Fuck Akron, and fuck that coach. I don't know his name, never will, and don't care.

On to the next one. Throttle Toledo and get ready for a Miami team on a coke-fueled rampage.

Fick is a better speaker than Hoke because Hoke always sounds like he's out of breath.
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I took a trip over to the Akron board and their coach does not seem to be well-liked amongst their fans either. Most of them are saying exactly what Urban was saying during the game, which was, Fickell has an obligation to his young players to allow them to play.
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BUCKYLE;1982185; said:
Fick is a better speaker than Hoke because Hoke always sounds like he's out of breath.
Hoke needs to lose about 50 ellbees. Seriously. I fear for his health.

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buckeyes_rock;1982172; said:
Funny, I remember thinking that Urban definitely sounded interesting in coaching that team after he said something to the effect of wow, I'm really excited about the future of Braxton Miller. :biggrin:

But seriously, Urban couldn't have gushed more about Braxton. Pretty obvious who'd be playing if he was coach.

In the international feed, we often catch 10-30 seconds of time in the booth when the announcers think that they are not live. I heard Urban Meyer getting really excited about Braxton during two of those breaks. The first time, he distinctly said, "Now that's my quarterback!".
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