“I would say I specify on strength and power, so that is what I am trying to continue to work on,” he said. “Of course I want to improve my hands and my feet, but you’re always going to pick one thing to really focus on while working on everything else as well.”
“I think I’m going to get to play a little bit more,” Kanu said. “My only goal is for me to help this team get better any way I can. So, I’m not really worried about playing time, I just want to make sure my team is good.”
“I would say I want to stay at the weight I am, which is 305 right now,” he said. “I want to get leaner and more muscular and less fat. I want to be at like 15 percent body fat; that’s my personal goal.”
Kanu says he’s around 20 percent body fat now and is looking forward to getting a full year of working with strength coach Mickey Marotti under his belt.
“I think it’s going to help a lot,” he said. “During the season, I got a lot stronger and I got a lot better build. I think I look better than I did in high school, even though I weigh more. So, Coach Mick does a great job of developing us.”