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DT Garrett "The Gladiator" Goebel (official thread)

osubuckeyes2731;1088597; said:
I think XP said he's coming in June.

He is coming in June to begin his OSU career, however he still has yet to take his "official" visit which he wants to do in March (or possibly early April). He is VERY EXCITED about his future in Columbus. (This is very meaningful coming from a kid who does not get excited very easily) Two / three weeks until wrestling is completed and he begins speed camp and heavy duty strength training in preparation for his June arrival.
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Sportsbuck28;1088876; said:
X, what would you say Garrett's size is up to now?

Has he gained any height/weight in the past few months, or has wrestling affected his weight gain ability due to having to make weight?

All Garrett has to do for wrestling is weigh 285 lbs. or less. Earlier this season he weighed 280+ but wanted to firm up his midsection so he is now 275 & quite comfortable and quicker than most wrestlers at 215 lb. division. He is lifting 5x a week in addition to wrestling practice regiment (2 practices / day three or four days a week). He is in very good shape but wants to add 15 lbs. of muscle mass while strengthening major muscle groups before football season. He begins intense speed camp in three weeks that concentrates on speed, quickness, footwork, agility and core muscle groups. He will thoroughly prepare for the greatest athletic challenges that await him.
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XPUNISHR;1089020; said:
All Garrett has to do for wrestling is weigh 285 lbs. or less. Earlier this season he weighed 280+ but wanted to firm up his midsection so he is now 275 & quite comfortable and quicker than most wrestlers at 215 lb. division. He is lifting 5x a week in addition to wrestling practice regiment (2 practices / day three or four days a week). He is in very good shape but wants to add 15 lbs. of muscle mass while strengthening major muscle groups before football season. He begins intense speed camp in three weeks that concentrates on speed, quickness, footwork, agility and core muscle groups. He will thoroughly prepare for the greatest athletic challenges that await him.

Thanks a lot X, got up, did a little work around the house, ate breakfast, drank some coffee and I was feeling good and full of energy, then I read your report on what Garrett does, and I'm exhausted and need a nap :biggrin:

Sounds like he is working his behind off "enjoying" his senior year :biggrin:
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GrizzlyBuck;1089326; said:
Thanks a lot X, got up, did a little work around the house, ate breakfast, drank some coffee and I was feeling good and full of energy, then I read your report on what Garrett does, and I'm exhausted and need a nap :biggrin:

Yeah.....me too. I went IMMEDIATELY to bed after posting his daily "walk in the park" (LOL). Even had a unusually hard time waking up at 11 am this morning. Thankfully Adolf (Nickname of Garrett's father / my brother) stopped over with some "work" that needed my attention otherwise I'd still be sleeping (5 days in hospital last week wore me out)
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ScarletVader;1089443; said:
Do you know if Chris Watt wil be visting OSU with GG in March?

Last I heard was Watt is visiting March 8th / 9th. Garrett may not be going until a few weeks later HOWEVER these dates are only tentative as far as I understand. Once dates are formalized I will post this info.
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buckeyeinfla;1089712; said:
X.....tell garrett...we are looking forward to seeing him at osu

Understatement of the year. From everything X has said, to his physical dominance on the mat, to what appears to be a massive mean streak when provoked, equals one hell of a career/player for us to watch for years to come!!!! Cant wait!!
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OSUBasketballJunkie;1091982; said:
Rivals.com (Free)

Goebel pins down future.........good read.

really liked the quote in the end where GG compares the physicality of wrestling with football and says that wrestling is more stringent and requires better physical and mental conditioning.

i'm not meaning to start a wrestling-vs-football war here... i just thought his are very interesting insights and they speak to what a true athlete he is (to be thinking about things from that perspective).
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