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DT Cameron Heyward (6x Pro Bowl, 3x All Pro, Pittsburgh Steelers)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Cameron Heyward heads to Sugar full of Buckeye lore
By Michelle Hiskey
For the AJC

Ohio State defensive tackle Cameron Heyward will play Tuesday in the Sugar Bowl. The Peachtree Ridge graduate from Suwanee had to learn his college?s deep traditions from the ground up.

I had no idea what a buckeye was when I first came here. I found out it was a poisonous nut, and they plant buckeye trees all over up here.

My senior year at Peachtree Ridge, I first came here for an unofficial visit, for the Michigan game. Ohio State beat Michigan that year. I got to experience up close and personal what it was all about and how passionate everything is here, and what a degree from Ohio State means.

I got to feel the bitter coldness. I?m originally from Pittsburgh, but from Georgia to Ohio, it was a big change. You go from starting the season pretty warm, but by the end of October it?s basically freezing here.

I have one quarter to go and will graduate this spring with a degree in education. This winter I will student teach for second- or third-graders in Ohio. I hope they won?t recognize me, and just see me as a regular person, not as a Buckeye.

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Article published January 01, 2011
Heyward is a man in motion for Buckeyes

NEW ORLEANS -- You would have thought that Ohio State's first practice session since arriving here for the Sugar Bowl would have had a somewhat subdued tone, with the players easing back into football after the holiday break back home.

There's plenty of time to amp things up before Tuesday's game with Arkansas, and let the intensity build.

Well, that formula doesn't work for a guy whose dad was an NFL legend that carried the nickname "Ironhead." His genes won't allow him to go through the motions.

Cameron Heyward, the Ohio State senior defensive lineman and the son of Craig "Ironhead" Heyward, has no downshift ability in his gearbox. He stepped into the Louisiana Superdome this week with the same sense of purpose he has used to tackle everything he's done with the Buckeyes for the last four years.

"You would have thought he was playing in the Super Bowl," Ohio State defensive coordinator Jim Heacock said. "I've never seen him not go all-out."


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Stats slipped

Heyward, from Suwanee, Ga., came to OSU fully developed and apparently chiseled out of Stone Mountain granite. He started as a freshman, including in the title game, where he recorded three tackles (one for loss).

"You dream of stuff like that," he said of that game. "You cherish those moments you get, because you don't know if you'll ever get them again."

He never played in another title game, but he did fashion a stellar junior season in 2009, with 61/2 sacks and enough notoriety that he could have been a high-round NFL draft choice last spring.

Heyward's senior season looked on the surface to be a bit disappointing, with his sacks slipping to 21/2.

"The production doesn't really state it, but as far as me just doing my job and improving mentally and becoming a better leader, I think I've done a much better job (in 2010)," Heyward said.

Today's game will hold special meaning for Heyward, the son of former NFL running back Craig " Ironhead" Heyward, who died of cancer in 2006.

Craig spent five years with the New Orleans Saints (1988 through 1992), and the Heywards count several former Saints as family friends.

"I remember he used to put me on his shoulders in the (Superdome) locker room," said Heyward, who was born in 1989. "Now I get to finish my career in a place where my dad played. It's pretty cool. Not a lot of people can say they can do that, and I'm one of them who can say they did."

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Ryan36_1;1849958; said:
Thanks Cam for a wonderful career and one hell of a Sugar Bowl. I thought he could have legitimately been the MVP last night, no offense to TP.


Agree, one of the most impressive games I have seen by a D-lineman in a long time. Cam was held, double teamed, and took cheap shots on multiple occasions in the game.
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Thanks for a memorable career Cam! Awesome game last night! I think it speaks volumes that when the reporter asked JT about Cam's game, JT said something to the effect of, Cam is first an incredible young man and also a great football player.

I will miss his intensity and heart and the defensive line will have some big shoes to fill next season.
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buckeyes_rock;1849974; said:
Thanks for a memorable career Cam! Awesome game last night! I think it speaks volumes that when the reporter asked JT about Cam's game, JT said something to the effect of, Cam is first an incredible young man and also a great football player.

I will miss his intensity and heart and the defensive line will have some big shoes to fill next season.

Yeah, but I had to laugh because as JT was saying that, the camera briefly panned onto Cam who was saying something to the effect of "now, they can all shut the fuck up!" They got off the shot real quick. :slappy:
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GoBux20;1849964; said:
M.V.P. in my eyes
Thanks you Cam for a great career. You are one of my favorite Buckeyes!

agreed...i thought he was the difference of the game...even when the buckeyes offense was slowing down, cam never did on defense and it kept us up and won us the game...his double teams freed up homan, williams and simon...cant say enough about how great of a game he played
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