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DT Cameron Heyward (6x Pro Bowl, 3x All Pro, Pittsburgh Steelers)

Plenty of familiar names across the college football landscape - ESPN
College football's familiar names

Want to feel old?

Check out some of the names on the back of college football jerseys this season. You'll see the familiar names of your father's heroes and even some of your own.

There are famous names such as Collinsworth, Montana, Rice and Simms.

Maybe football mortality isn't won through blood, sweat and tears. Maybe it's just genes.

Here's a look at some familiar father-son combinations in college football in 2010:

8. Cameron and Craig Heyward
Son Cameron, a senior defensive end at Ohio State, is a split image of his late father, Craig, who earned the moniker "Ironhead" during his 11-year NFL career. Craig, who died from a brain tumor in 2006, ran for 4,301 yards and 30 touchdowns in the NFL, after a standout career at Pittsburgh. Cameron is a preseason All-America candidate after finishing with 10 tackles for loss and 6? sacks as a junior for the Buckeyes in 2009.
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Buckeyes Name Six Captains for 2010 Season


"A leader has a responsibility to take care of business, so now I have to step up to the plate," said Heyward, a product of Peachtree Ridge High School in Suwanee, Ga., and a preseason All-American on the defensive line. "This is one of those honors you think about since you were a kid, being captain of your team. It's a tremendous feeling."
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a7WPXHKB30]YouTube - TBT Video: Ohio State defensive end Cameron Heyward (http://thebuckeyetimes.com)[/ame]
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Have I mentioned that I think Heyward is going to have a monster season? :wink2:

I hate to jinx, but I think he could have a Suh type year. His ability and mental make up are there. Him and Rolle are the perfect leaders for this defense.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2sJGD-CyRQ]YouTube - Ohio State vs. Marshall 2010: Cameron Heyward[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1Tt7yaFH3A"]YouTube- TBT Video: Ohio State defensive end Cameron Heyward (http://thebuckeyetimes.com)[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryvqaG_u70U"]YouTube- RAW: Cameron Heyward Talks OSU-Marshall[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NKZv2rya-c"]YouTube- CWTV: A Minute With... Cam Heyward[/ame]
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Quest to be best
Lineman Cameron Heyward is determined to trump the dominating season Ndamukong Suh had last season
Wednesday, September 1, 2010 02:52 AM
By Tim May

Cameron Heyward upends Oregon quarterback Jeremiah Masoli during Ohio State's win over the Ducks in the Rose Bowl.

While Cameron Heyward espouses the Ohio State team ethic every chance he gets, he has made no secret of his intention to bull-rush his way to being the best defensive lineman in college football this year.

In fact, when asked whether he wants to be the Ndamukong Suh of 2010, he answered quickly:

"I want to be better than Suh," the senior captain said.

Whether he even comes close to the season Suh had for Nebraska last year, when he wound up fourth in the Heisman Trophy voting, remains to be seen. But Heyward said a meeting with coach Jim Tressel earlier this year convinced him not to be bashful about striving for such lofty goals.

"Suh is a great player, but (Tressel) made it clear to me - he was telling me about his dad (the late Lee Tressel, former championship-winning coach at Baldwin-Wallace), and how his dad had a street named after him," Heyward said. "And (Jim Tressel) said he wanted a highway named after him.

"So I think when you want to be the best, you've got to be better than the best. You can't just be Suh. You don't want to be known as a player who was just as good as Suh. It's not being cocky or anything; I just want to be the best out there."

Heyward made that his mission when he returned for his senior year and bypassed the NFL draft, where he likely would have been a first-round pick.

"The way he approached his offseason workout this summer is, he really took the bull by the horns and tried to get bigger, faster, stronger," linebacker Ross Homan said. "And in fall camp, this dude was a beast. He's a monster. He single-handedly can take (on) an offensive line."

Quest to be best | BuckeyeXtra
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Iron will drives Heyward to be the best
BY JON SPENCER ? News Journal ? September 1, 2010

COLUMBUS -- It's a wake-up call Cameron Heyward could have done without.

Ohio State's preseason All-America defensive lineman was sitting at a table, pleasantly answering questions at Big Ten Media Days in Chicago this summer when a reporter knocked a glass of water into the lap of his suit.

Heyward didn't know soggy pants was on the breakfast menu. And he sure didn't think he was sitting in a splash zone.

Getting blindsided isn't normally something done to him. It's what he does to quarterbacks.

"I'm just never going to give up on a play," said the 6-foot-6, 287-pound Heyward, coming off a season in which he had 10 tackles for loss and 6.5 sacks for the Rose Bowl champs. "I'm going to be that guy down the field trying to hunt somebody down. I may not be the fastest, but I'm going to give it everything I've got."

Iron will drives Heyward to be the best | mansfieldnewsjournal.com | Mansfield News Journal
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All off-season, as I try to envision The Buckeyes kicking ass on the field, %90 of those images involve Cam. He may prove to be our most dominant player this season. He showed last year that he can effectively negate 2-3 opponents' offensive possessions per game. Add to that the field position gains from TFL, occasional forced turnovers, and turning the opposing QB in to a scared little girl; it's as if The Buckeyes play four quarters to the opponents' three. With a more effective offense this year, he could be even more disruptive, as the D sees more passing downs. I think 1st team All-American and defensive MVP finalist are very realistic for Cam.

And he's a great kid, to boot. He's really grown in to his role as a team leader and school spokesman. It's always great to see OOS transplants come to Columbus and become an exemplar of the principles that define Ohio State.

Go Buckeyes!!!
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Loved Cam as a player from the minute he stepped onto the campus in Columbus. After watching that piece on his family and his late father, I'm speechless. His maturity and humbleness is completely inspiring. I hope Cam has the best season and future career that is humanly possible. Incredible person and player. Tear jerking piece before the game kind of took some of my fired up gusto away though.

Go get em Cam!!!
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