Pasted from Buckeye50YardLine Message Board:
I'm always amazed that buckeye fans rail on each other so much. I'm not talking about this board -- but other boards. I rarely visit , but when I do its shocking to me. If you love the buckeyes then what the hell is there to argue so much about.
I've been doing a one man campaign for Ginn to stay. I know its a small chance (about as small a chance as a player actually having a career ending injury his senior year), but I had some time , which hasnt happened for me much in the past year and I started yelling for Ginn to stay. With one board in particular you'd think I was spitting on Jesus or something - wow.
Since the NC I hardly complained about the players or the coaches -- I've written it off as a fluke and I'll let the coaches figure out how to handle their business. All I did was yell that I want Ginn to come back.
If fans of the same football team can't get along then what have we here. I do feel , though, that this is still the minority of crazies out there and not the general OSU fan.
I think its great that OSU fans are football nuts- - but lets stick together - and stick with our team.
Again , I feel like I'm preaching to the choir here -- need to copy and paste this on some other boards.
I wrote on a buckeye website for over a year -- I didn't have the time anymore and rarely have the time to go on my regular msg board anymore. Had some time and strong feelings about Ginn staying and decided to have some fun. Maybe most of you are on this board day in , day out, but you really need to lighten up. Im not hunting down Ginn , I'm not applying for a coaching job. I may be writing for another web site in the near future , but that's it.
I've never went around and made a big statement on the different msg boards before and I never will again. Guys from B50 warned me about the idiots out there - guess I should have known. I thought my enthusiasm for Ginn would shake everyone out of there misery, but I guess it just gave people an excuse to act like fucktards.(Such an eloquent use of the english language)
Oh yeah -- MONEY MONEY MONEY --- believe me , when you grow up you might actually try to comprehend the concept that there are other things out there besides money.
ps. Know that I dont have any more time to waste here so write whatever - I won't see it. And, btw, I did make use of the email - if Ginn ever reads it then he'll at least know how much one fan appreciates his talent. If not - no harm done except a little crazy bucknut fun. :) Carry on with your worthless diatribes - day in , day out , every day .......