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Do you hate Alabama and the SEC?

AndyinPBurgOH for BP Poster of the Year?

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I know I do,

My name is Andy, I live in NW Ohio, and endure a hefty commute every day. As such, I started listening to satellite radio a few years ago. Over the past year the Paul Finebaum Show has come on Sirius and I got hooked.

For those of you that don't know, it is the number one sports talk show in the south, it is syndicated on like 40 stations plus Sirius/XM, and it is the royal rumble of all sports talk shows (think Rome but more caller driven and just inundated with hollering slack jaw SEC fans, primarily Bama and Scam-U).

I have been fighting the good fight all year for the Big 10 and my beloved Buckeyes. I go after the shady recruiting practices (oversigning, pay for play, excessive medical red shirting ect), the false claims of like 400 national championships, their "academic" standards, mass JUCO trolling, "SEC speed", you name it.

Now, the show is having their "caller of the year" contest and they put me on the list. It is all internet voting and the cast of characters include me (Andy from Ohio), a bunch of bama and auburn fans, one Georgia fan, and one sad bastard from Texas.

Despite the fact that I am pretty much alone in ever fight I pick and every position I take, I have done well to take the SEC to task through their own beloved radio show. The coup de grace would be to have a "damn northern yankee big 10 buckeye" win their caller of the year honors. If you could take a second and vote I would appreciate it. here is the link


just scroll to the bottom, click on "Vote Now: finebaum caller of the year 2010" and I am "Andy in Ohio"

pass this on, PM it, post it on your facebook page, tweet it, fax it, fox it, send smoke signals, morse code, whatever... it is all appreciated.

I am currently in 5th place (out of 10) and there will be cuts coming soon.


AndyinPBurgOH;1841725; said:
I know I do,

My name is Andy, I live in NW Ohio, and endure a hefty commute every day. As such, I started listening to satellite radio a few years ago. Over the past year the Paul Finebaum Show has come on Sirius and I got hooked.

For those of you that don't know, it is the number one sports talk show in the south, it is syndicated on like 40 stations plus Sirius/XM, and it is the royal rumble of all sports talk shows (think Rome but more caller driven and just inundated with hollering slack jaw SEC fans, primarily Bama and Scam-U).

I have been fighting the good fight all year for the Big 10 and my beloved Buckeyes. I go after the shady recruiting practices (oversigning, pay for play, excessive medical red shirting ect), the false claims of like 400 national championships, their "academic" standards, mass JUCO trolling, "SEC speed", you name it.

Now, the show is having their "caller of the year" contest and they put me on the list. It is all internet voting and the cast of characters include me (Andy from Ohio), a bunch of bama and auburn fans, one Georgia fan, and one sad bastard from Texas.

Despite the fact that I am pretty much alone in ever fight I pick and every position I take, I have done well to take the SEC to task through their own beloved radio show. The coup de grace would be to have a "damn northern yankee big 10 buckeye" win their caller of the year honors. If you could take a second and vote I would appreciate it. here is the link


just scroll to the bottom, click on "Vote Now: finebaum caller of the year 2010" and I am "Andy in Ohio"

pass this on, PM it, post it on your facebook page, tweet it, fax it, fox it, send smoke signals, morse code, whatever... it is all appreciated.

I am currently in 5th place (out of 10) and there will be cuts coming soon.


Get a life, dude.
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I don't listen to his show, but F-baum happened to be on a different local sports radio show yesterday (had to drive to work and B'ham radio is terrible) and his view of Tat-gate is that:

1. The game doesn't matter because the SEC always beats the Big 10
2. Ohio St received preferential treatment
3. Tat-gate is clearly different from sCam Newton
4. Being held out of the Sugar Bowl is a bigger deal than missing 5 games next year.
5. (SEC speed, speed, speed, speed, speed)

You will never win these arguments because most SEC fans don't care about the facts. If they do care, they don't listen to Finebaum.
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AndyinPBurgOH;1841725; said:
I know I do,

My name is Andy, I live in NW Ohio, and endure a hefty commute every day. As such, I started listening to satellite radio a few years ago. Over the past year the Paul Finebaum Show has come on Sirius and I got hooked.

For those of you that don't know, it is the number one sports talk show in the south, it is syndicated on like 40 stations plus Sirius/XM, and it is the royal rumble of all sports talk shows (think Rome but more caller driven and just inundated with hollering slack jaw SEC fans, primarily Bama and Scam-U).

I have been fighting the good fight all year for the Big 10 and my beloved Buckeyes. I go after the shady recruiting practices (oversigning, pay for play, excessive medical red shirting ect), the false claims of like 400 national championships, their "academic" standards, mass JUCO trolling, "SEC speed", you name it.

Now, the show is having their "caller of the year" contest and they put me on the list. It is all internet voting and the cast of characters include me (Andy from Ohio), a bunch of bama and auburn fans, one Georgia fan, and one sad bastard from Texas.

Despite the fact that I am pretty much alone in ever fight I pick and every position I take, I have done well to take the SEC to task through their own beloved radio show. The coup de grace would be to have a "damn northern yankee big 10 buckeye" win their caller of the year honors. If you could take a second and vote I would appreciate it. here is the link


just scroll to the bottom, click on "Vote Now: finebaum caller of the year 2010" and I am "Andy in Ohio"

pass this on, PM it, post it on your facebook page, tweet it, fax it, fox it, send smoke signals, morse code, whatever... it is all appreciated.

I am currently in 5th place (out of 10) and there will be cuts coming soon.



I listen to F-baum reasonably frequently on my commute and Andy must know he's considered a running joke along with a few other frequent callers.

To sum up Finebaum's and the vast majority of listeners' opinions, the Big Ten and especially tOSU is overated. When comparing conferences, the only bowl that matters is the BCS championship game- forget the fact that PSU beat LSU, etc. The SEC championship game winner should get an automatic bid to the BCS championship game. Their fans do not consider the playing all the B10-SEC bowl games in the South a significant advantage. There's nothing wrong with oversigning and Saban rarely ever needs to "cut" players- they usually choose to leave on their own. Well, you get the picture.
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