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Do you hate Alabama and the SEC?

AndyinPBurgOH for BP Poster of the Year?

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do i hate SEC schools? yeah about 10 of them or so.

  • Bama - yeah I hate them. always have hated them. lately that hate has intensified, but those arrogant assholes haven't figured out that Saban has very little to do with my hatred for them. It's their holier than thou arrogance that pisses me off.
  • Auburn - yessir. just looking at those fuckers makes my blood boil. even passing through that godforsaken town of Auburn, Alabama makes my stomach turn. in fact, hate may not be a strong enough word.
  • Arky - never been a relevant enough blip on our radar to call it hate, but it is a strong dislike for them. just as cocky as Auburn fans, but with even fewer skins on the wall (and it's tough to have fewer than Auburn does)
  • Ole Piss - HO-LEE SHIT! um hey rednecks, the 1800s ended a long ass time ago. move the fuck on. P.S. there ain't no more Mannings to save your shithole program.
  • Miss. St. - enough with the cowbells. the whole world knows you're located in a cow pasture. and anyone unfortunate enough to be in your stadium can smell it for themselves and don't need you clanging them things to remind them.
  • Florida - arrogance and general assholery is taken to a whole new level in Gainesville. somehow, they manage to be the biggest collection of douchebags in the entire south.
  • Georgia - don't play them often enough to really fire me up. and their hatred of Auburn is kinda endearing. and you can always rely on them to choke at the most inopportune times.
  • Tennessee - same as UGA, except put Bama in place of Auburn
  • Carolina - still don't feel like an SEC school
  • ATM - having all male "yell" leaders, and a god damn dog that rules the entire barracks isn't tradition. it's fucking creepy cult-like behavior. your entire student body and alumni base is in serious need of elctroshock therapy.

Kentucky and Mizzou? I don't watch college basketball, so these 2 are completely irrelevant in every phase of life. ]

Vandy? they're like the cute little brother not quite old enough to annoy you yet. they know they'll never grow up to catch you, but too naive to quit trying. It's actually kinda fun to watch them pray they'll accidently land a haymaker to knock you down once in a while.
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Nutriaitch;2252140; said:
do i hate SEC schools? yeah about 10 of them or so.

  • Bama - yeah I hate them. always have hated them. lately that hate has intensified, but those arrogant assholes haven't figured out that Saban has very little to do with my hatred for them. It's their holier than thou arrogance that [censored]es me off.
  • Auburn - yessir. just looking at those [censored]ers makes my blood boil. even passing through that godforsaken town of Auburn, Alabama makes my stomach turn. in fact, hate may not be a strong enough word.
  • Arky - never been a relevant enough blip on our radar to call it hate, but it is a strong dislike for them. just as cocky as Auburn fans, but with even fewer skins on the wall (and it's tough to have fewer than Auburn does)
  • Ole [censored] - HO-LEE [Mark May]! um hey rednecks, the 1800s ended a long ass time ago. move the [censored] on. P.S. there ain't no more Mannings to save your [Mark May]hole program.
  • Miss. St. - enough with the cowbells. the whole world knows you're located in a cow pasture. and anyone unfortunate enough to be in your stadium can smell it for themselves and don't need you clanging them things to remind them.
  • Florida - arrogance and general assholery is taken to a whole new level in Gainesville. somehow, they manage to be the biggest collection of douchebags in the entire south.
  • Georgia - don't play them often enough to really fire me up. and their hatred of Auburn is kinda endearing. and you can always rely on them to choke at the most inopportune times.
  • Tennessee - same as UGA, except put Bama in place of Auburn
  • Carolina - still don't feel like an SEC school
  • ATM - having all male "yell" leaders, and a god damn dog that rules the entire barracks isn't tradition. it's [censored]ing creepy cult-like behavior. your entire student body and alumni base is in serious need of elctroshock therapy.

Kentucky and Mizzou? I don't watch college basketball, so these 2 are completely irrelevant in every phase of life. ]

Vandy? they're like the cute little brother not quite old enough to annoy you yet. they know they'll never grow up to catch you, but too naive to quit trying. It's actually kinda fun to watch them pray they'll accidently land a haymaker to knock you down once in a while.

If you replace BAMA with TSUN, Saban with Hoke, Auburn with Wiscy, Auburn Alabama with Madison Wisconsin, Ole Miss with PSU, Mannings with Paternos and the rest of it with a big bag of eh whatever; that post reflects the feelings of 98% of BP
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Nutriaitch;2252140; said:
Vandy - the smarter little brother not quite old enough to annoy you yet. they know they'll never grow up to catch you, but too naive to quit trying. It's actually kinda fun to watch them until dad realizes you're not bright enough to handle the family business so he hands it over to them & you're stuck working for little bro for the rest of your life while vainly trying to impress the gum smacking peroxide receptionist with stories of your FB glory days.

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Here's my take on it:

Bama: As much as I hate the circle j*rk that most of the 'media' gives to the SEC and Bama - I can't hate Bama. They're that damn good, and it all leads to coaching. Plus Saban's daughter is nuts, so I won't ever say anything bad about him or the team.

LSU: Love the annual train wreck of "Fire Lesticles" that rings out every year from Baton Rouge. Allows me to give crap to the LSU fans I know here.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1N5p8IXzNdc"]I hate you, and only you! (Playa Haters Ball) - YouTube[/ame]

Vandy: All I know about them is they almost get lucky every once in a while. And Jay Cutler came from there, and braniacs go there, apparently.

A&M: Still reeling from the screw job we got from the Big TEX officials against these guys. But it was a different staff at the time, so I wish them well. Kevin Sumlin is a heck of a coach. But if they don't quit calling Manzell 'Johnny Football', I'm gonna blow a damn artery.

Florida: I can't hate them too bad, but they lost their character to Columbia, South Carolina. Although, this is pretty funny:


Cocky: The Ol' Ball Coach. I love anything this guy does, cause it's funny.

MSU: Kinda middle of the road. Never gets too good, and never too bad, for some odd reason.

Ole Miss: Well, I was inclined to think okay thoughts about this place, until they did what they did on Wednesday night. Now, that place can rot in a cesspool of their own feces. I'm just sayin.

Tenn: Ain't been Tennessee in a long, long time. Haven't been relevant since Tee Martin.

Georgia: Still waiting on Richt to get fired. Every year, he's on the hot seat, and every year, he squeezes another year out the crack of his arse.

Auburn: Gene Cheeezik. That guy is the worst coach in the world. Or one of, at least. And nobody deserves him better than a place who has a thieving rule breaker as a Heisman trophy winner.

Arkansas: SMILE!!! SMILE!!! This is a like by default. Anything with John L. is a like by default.

Kentucky: Joker Phillips will be right behind Mike Brown in line. Soon.
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alexhortdog95;2252661; said:
A&M: Still reeling from the screw job we got from the Big TEX officials against these guys. But it was a different staff at the time, so I wish them well. Kevin Sumlin is a heck of a coach. But if they don't quit calling Manzell 'Johnny Football', I'm gonna blow a damn artery.

Since I weighed in on the comments regarding officiating for last week's Sparty-Husker game, saying I didn't think the reffing was a hose job on the Huskers, I'll weigh in on this one as well. But this time I'm completely agreeing with the Husker fans.

The aTm-Husker game from a couple years ago was one of the all-time hose-jobs by refs. The only other game that I can compare it to over the last few years was the WVU-Pitt game from 2007; where the Big East refs tried to help WVU win in order to stay in the MNC hunt, but Pitt won anyway.

I'm not talking about a couple of bad calls that tended to go in one team's direction -that will happen from time to time. I'm talking about consistent bias against one team throughout the game, where you just shake your head and wonder how the refs can be so blatant about trying to decide the outcome.
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