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Diet-Fitness-General Wellness Your Thoughts?

Flocka;2176314; said:
How many calories and grams of protein are in your shake?
Good question because they say you shouldn't drink your calories. However, the Met-Rex mixed with water is 220 calories and a whopping 62g of protein. It's hard to get that much protein for so few calories.In order to get that much protein from egg whites I'd have to eat 17 which would be 289 calories. I could get it out of about an extra 8ozs of chicken breast too which would be about 300 calories.
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DubCoffman62;2176361; said:
Good question because they say you shouldn't drink your calories. However, the Met-Rex mixed with water is 220 calories and a whopping 62g of protein. It's hard to get that much protein for so few calories.In order to get that much protein from egg whites I'd have to eat 17 which would be 289 calories. I could get it out of about an extra 8ozs of chicken breast too which would be about 300 calories.
Correct. The only problem I would have with that is how long you will stay full off of that vs food.

I am intermittent fasting right now and I cut out all liquid protein/calories because how short it last in your system. (more so than just the "full sensation")
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Flocka;2176368; said:
Correct. The only problem I would have with that is how long you will stay full off of that vs food.

I am intermittent fasting right now and I cut out all liquid protein/calories because how short it last in your system. (more so than just the "full sensation")
It's just temporary. I just calculated my day's total intake and it was just short of 1,500 calories and 187g of protein. I feel very satisfied right now. If hunger calls there's some nonfat Greek yogurt in the fridge and some blueberries or raspberries. I drank the shake a few minutes ago and I'm feeling pretty full. If you can choke them down brussel sprouts are great, very low calories and lots of bulk. I put 2ozs of feta cheese and chopped onions on them to give them a little more jazz. As far as the shakes go I'm going to play it by ear but I do want to eventually get off of them and just eat the extra meat. I too do the intermittent fasting. I have coffee in the morning, do my workout at aroun 11am or so, first meal is pretty much all of my chicken allotment and eggs, I do my afternoon stuff, I eat again around 4pm, my fruit and yogurt and then at 6pm I go out and do my cardio. When I get back I have my main meal which is the salmon and vegetables and then the shake is my dessert. So far, so good.
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DubCoffman62;2176371; said:
It's just temporary. I just calculated my day's total intake and it was just short of 1,500 calories and 187g of protein. I feel very satisfied right now. If hunger calls there's some nonfat Greek yogurt in the fridge and some blueberries or raspberries. I drank the shake a few minutes ago and I'm feeling pretty full. If you can choke them down brussel sprouts are great, very low calories and lots of bulk. I put 2ozs of feta cheese and chopped onions on them to give them a little more jazz. As far as the shakes go I'm going to play it by ear but I do want to eventually get off of them and just eat the extra meat.
Sounds like a good idea to my. As long as you want to ween off the shakes and get to eating your protein you can hit your goal.

How long do you plan on cutting?
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Flocka;2176372; said:
Sounds like a good idea to my. As long as you want to ween off the shakes and get to eating your protein you can hit your goal.

How long do you plan on cutting?
I don't know, just until i see the results that I want. It may be 4 or 5 weeks, it may be longer, it may even be shorter. Like I said, my goal is between 8-10% body fat. My guess is that right now I'm between 13-15%.
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DubCoffman62;2176373; said:
I don't know, just until i see the results that I want. It may be 4 or 5 weeks, it may be longer, it may even be shorter. Like I said, my goal is between 8-10% body fat. My guess is that right now I'm between 13-15%.
Well you got the right idea. Caloric deficit. Just dont over do it with protein. There is a reason people lose mass and how much they can life when cutting.
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muffler dragon;2176442; said:
Are you following a particular routine or just letting your body tell you when to eat?

I do this everyday. I try and follow one of the approaches on leangains.

11 am - Meal 1

2-3 pm - snack/meal 2

4-5 pm - workout

5-6:30 - Eat largest meal of the day after working out.

I usually try and fast from 7pm to 11am ~ 16 hours sometimes more sometimes less.
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OneBuckeye;2176392; said:
Looks like a solid plan. Just curious. Any reason you are cutting? What's your height/weight right now?
I'm 6' tall about 195ish. I've been working out for over a year now and I've done quite well but the last few months I let my diet slip and I developed some love handles. If I'm going to bust mt my ass like that I want to at least be able to see my results. Also, it's about having a goal to shoot for, it keeps me focused.
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Do yourself a favor and extend your cut over a longer period of time. 4-5 weeks isn't enough for what you want to do imo. There is a reason pro bber's go with 16-20 week cuts. It is VERY hard to lose a lot of bf without getting that flat look. You can peel off sensible amounts slowly and look fantastic at the end. I really like "refeeding" my carbs. If you live on the lower end for a long period of time without it,you are gonna go flat. Not only will you be able to tell in a mirror,but your workouts will suffer from lack of energy and you will feel weaker when you are reaching that point of pancaking. Hell, you can even see the guys on stage who have carb spilled. They are holding water in areas where they should be dry. The best physique in the world will lose a contest due to a few days of bad dieting.
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