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Did you vote today?

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BuckeyeNation27;655807; said:
No, I never worked for a school....unless you count coaching.

I remeber having a discussion with you once about something in a school and didn't know exactly what your role was.

When you have kids, will you not vote for their school levies?
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Doesn't this relate back to Oh8ch's "social contract" he brought up in the Issue 5 thread?

That somehow as citizens, we have a responsibility that every action we make should be for the greater good. People shouldn't smoke, not because it will kill them, but because it adversely effects productivity, is supposedly responisble for the increase in medical costs (we all know that is actually just greed) and other don't like it.

So in other words, my smoking effects you negatively financially, therefore I shouldn't smoke.

Your not voting, effects me policitally (and likely financially), therefore you should vote.
Me voting has no effects on you, because I don't care to sift through the bullshit to figure out who actually would be good for whatever job they're tying to be elected to. Not only could I not tell you the stances these people have taken on the major issues....I couldn't tell you what the major issues are or who the people running are. I change the channel when a bullshit political ad comes on. Do you really want me voting?

I guess this is why people label themselves as republican, democrate, conservative, liberal......They don't have to sift through the bullshit to figure out what they think is correct, they just go with their party.

Perfect example: My co-worker didn't vote for the guy who choked his mistress when she tried to extort him because he choked his mistress when she tried to extort him. Does that really have anything to do with how he does his job? Did that same guy care when Bill Clinton was having his affairs? I'd rather that guy not vote because he's just pulling the lever next to the D without any thought process.

(PS, I live in PA so my vote doesn't do anything for you :biggrin:)
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People who do not vote are the worst whiners in our society. A non-voter will say they don't care but they are the first to complain about their situation.

If you are not will to take a stand, then do not complain about the decision of those that did. I respect those that oppose me because they at least care about the direction of our local and national politics. Whiners who didn't care at election time and who complain regardless of who wins deserve no respect or voice.
I don't whine about any politics. I don't follow them. But keep painting with that broad stroke.
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I remeber having a discussion with you once about something in a school and didn't know exactly what your role was.

When you have kids, will you not vote for their school levies?
If I'm educated about the election then I vote. I voted last November. I just didn't feel like figuring out which person was the lesser of 2 evils this time.
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BuckeyeNation27;655817; said:
I don't whine about any politics. I don't follow them. But keep painting with that broad stroke.

And you keep painting with this one:

BuckeyeNation27;655817; said:
I guess this is why people label themselves as republican, democrate, conservative, liberal......They don't have to sift through the bullshit to figure out what they think is correct, they just go with their party.
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Personally, I like it when people don't vote. It just means mine counts even more. :tongue2:

Seriously, what grinds my gears is when people sit there and complain that all of the candidates are crooks and liars and it that my vote is meaningless; yet, when the primary season comes and we can make real choices of what types of candidates we will get to elect, few people show up.

We get what we deserve in our politicians! We reap what we sow.
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buckeyegrad;655832; said:
Personally, I like it when people don't vote. It just means mine counts even more. :tongue2:

Seriously, what grinds my gears is when people sit there and complain that all of the candidates are crooks and liars and it that my vote is meaningless; yet, when the primary season comes and we can make real choices of what types of candidates we will get to elect, few people show up.

We get what we deserve in our politicians! We reap what we sow.

But even in the primaries, the choices suck. When was the last time we voted for the best candidate and not "the one who would suck the least"?
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...but I would bet you will complain if your taxes go up, if you can or can't smoke in a bar, etc.
And you would be wrong. I complain when the retards who are on my school board act like retards, I voted in that elections. I complain when I have to pay $400 to watch Ohio State, I doubt elections can fix that. I complain when it's too cold outside.

When it comes to taxes or smoking in bars, there are people getting paid much more than me to figure these things out.
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I just keep thinking about those times in grade school (and college, to a lesser degree) in which I would be getting chided by my fellow students (and instructors, to a lesser degree) about my choosing to just not do an assignment.

Them: So what program did you use to make the graph from problem three?
Me: I didn't do it.
Them: What do you mean you "didn't do it"?
Me: ...I didn't do it.
Them: But...you're supposed to do it!
Me: I'm aware of this.
Them: So why didn't you do it?
Me: Because I didn't feel like it.

At this point, they (whoever that happened to be at the time) would invariably get pissed off. It used to completely throw me--I couldn't conceive of why my decision to blow something so trivial (to me) as a school assignment off should have any affect on anyone other than me. I was eventually able to determine that it essentially boiled down to the fact that they resented me for being capable of and perfectly comfortable with turning supposed obligations into matters of free will. Just like with the school assignments, I've got a couple dozen people coming at me with, "What do you mean you "didn't vote"? You're supposed to vote!" If you ask me what I think I'm supposed to do, the list will include eat, drink, breath, sleep, be happy and (if I'm feeling generous) one day propogate. Regarding my 'chilluns', since the question has already kind of been posed: If I truly felt that my vote would have an impact (read: if I thought the vote may be decided by a single ballot) on an election or voting issue that directly affected my child, I would vote. But what I would not do is talk about voting to my kids in any more substantial a fashion than to just say, "You're allowed to vote if you want to, and you're allowed to vote for whomever you please."
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But even in the primaries, the choices suck.

This highlights why I take some exception to the focus on voting as how we excercise our Democratic rights. If you really want to talk about it in terms like 'duty' why not go beyond voting?

The reason our choices 'suck' in the primaries is because those choices are made by the folks who are heavily involved in politics and volunteers who work for them. If you want to make a difference you donate money, stuff envelopes, and go door to door in support of the candidate you believe in.

I recently went through an excercise trying to save some land from development. I built a web site, distributed flyers, went door to door and spoke at several meetings. The initial decision came down to one vote - a single councilperson - and we won. Some people bitched about the way that vote came out (the battle is far from over yet), but where were they when the work was being done?

I am not an activitist and I have had enough of politics from tihs foray to last me a long time. I just think setting the standard for the 'right to bitch' as whether or not you voted is somewhat arbitrary.
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