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Did MICHIGAN drop Football from their ath dept?

I have been wondering the last couple of years when Michigan's recruiting will slow down. Ann Arbor Michigan is not the greatest place to be if you are a football player. If I am a hyped recruit with a lot of potential I would not want to play for llllllloyd. There selling point is ancient history of being a top-flight program and their solid education. Michigan obviously relys too much on recruiting rankings and just lacks scouting skills. It's good to be a buckeye.
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They are all coming back to Ann Arbor this season. Is that supposed to scare me or the michigan fans? I think it scares the michigan fans.

Definitely!!! We will come back with a loaded offense, and an aggressive young defense (who may give up big plays, but will stop the run). Michigan comes back with a tripped up D, and Henne flinging the ball around to....uh..um...well just flinging the ball around. haha
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Certainly doesn't help them that Antonio Bass (their self-proclaimed "Ted Ginn clone") is done for the year with a season-ending injury this spring.
I've spent much time on GBW and never seen that comparison. They use him in funky ways like we use ginn, but on GBW Ginn is compared to Breaston.
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