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Did MICHIGAN drop Football from their ath dept?

TSUN getting love on CBSSportsline

Draft droppings

The NFL Draft isn't always an indicator of a college program's relative strength. But for our notes column purposes, it is. Read on:

Today's Final Jeopardy answer: Cal Poly, Abilene Christian, Alabama State, Northwestern State, Grambling.

The question: What teams had more players taken in the NFL Draft before Michigan saw its first player go off the board in the fourth round?

Michigan defensive tackle Gabe Watson was taken No. 107 overall by Arizona.

The draft is just one measure of a program's strength. In this case it's a pretty good one because, by any measure, Michigan's Lloyd Carr is one of the high-profile coaches on the hot seat going into 2006.

Last year's 7-5 record -- including an embarrassing loss to Nebraska in the Alamo Bowl -- was this program's worst in two decades.

Last weekend's draft was an extension of those woes. Embarrassing? First-day picks: Ohio State 7, Michigan 0. :slappy:

Total Michigan draft picks: three. The rest of Big Ten: 38.

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from Stewart Mandels mailbag :slappy: :slappy:

Last year you lamented that Michigan is often ranked too high in the preseason. This year you are playing it safe by putting them in your top 10 -- but just barely. Is there any chance, just a hair, that the Wolverines might actually surpass expectations and contend for the national title? Look at both sides of the ball and you'll find an experienced and dangerous team.
-- Luke, Muncie, Ind.

I find it more than a little amusing that I feel better about the Wolverines' national-title chances than I have in years, even though they'll likely start lower in the preseason rankings than they have in quite some time because of their disappointing record last year. Like you said, this team is loaded with experience on both sides of the ball. With Chad Henne, Mike Hart, Mario Manningham, Steve Breaston and Tyler Ecker, they will have no shortage of weapons offensively. Jake Long is one of the best linemen in the country. And besides nosetackle Gabe Watson, the defense welcomes back nearly all of its key cogs. I think the offense will become less predictable under new coordinator Mike DeBord (who held the same position during UM's 1997 national title season), and new defensive coordinator Ron English is highly regarded.

Because the Wolverines went 7-5 last year, however, I'm guessing most pundits will automatically discount them. That would be a mistake. It's always wise to look beyond the record in assessing a team's season. It'd be one thing if four of those five losses were 20-point blowouts, which would mean they've likely got a long way to climb. On the contrary, the Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio State and Nebraska games all went down to the final gun. Michigan also dealt with a lot of injuries at key positions. I'm not saying Lloyd Carr's team doesn't have question marks, but you can see why they may be a potential sleeper. Remember, that '97 team wasn't highly ranked to start the season either.
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