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Did MICHIGAN drop Football from their ath dept?

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<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=bg0 align=left><TD class=bg0 colSpan=7>Michigan</TD></TR><TR class=bg1 align=middle><TD align=left>Player</TD><TD align=left>Pos.</TD><TD align=left>Ht.</TD><TD align=left>Wt.</TD><TD align=left>Rd</TD><TD align=left>Sel#</TD><TD align=left>Team</TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left><NOBR>Avant, Jason</NOBR></TD><TD align=left>WR</TD><TD align=left><NOBR>6-0</NOBR></TD><TD align=left>213</TD><TD align=left> </TD><TD align=left> </TD><TD align=left> </TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left><NOBR>Massaquoi, Tim</NOBR></TD><TD align=left>TE</TD><TD align=left><NOBR>6-2</NOBR></TD><TD align=left>253</TD><TD align=left> </TD><TD align=left> </TD><TD align=left> </TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left><NOBR>Stenavich, Adam</NOBR></TD><TD align=left>G</TD><TD align=left><NOBR>6-4</NOBR></TD><TD align=left>311</TD><TD align=left> </TD><TD align=left> </TD><TD align=left> </TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left><NOBR>Watson, Gabriel</NOBR></TD><TD align=left>DT</TD><TD align=left><NOBR>6-3</NOBR></TD><TD align=left>340</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

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They should look at the bright side...with their immeasurable and seemingly permanent downturn in offensive production, the Wolverweenies should begin a dynasty of sending veteran and battle-tested punters to the NFL.
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They should look at the bright side...with their immeasurable and seemingly permanent downturn in offensive production, the Wolverweenies should begin a dynasty of sending veteran and battle-tested punters to the NFL.
:lol: I don't even think they will manage that. Look at their fatass kicker, obviously conditioning is not high on the list of priorities up in that dump.
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Could you ever imagine a day when OU or Miami or BGSU has two players drafted on day one to our zero?:slappy:

2000 draft:

Cincinnati 5 (2 on first day)
Kent State 1 (1 on first day)
Toledo 1
Youngstown State 1
Miami-OH 1
Ohio State 0

Of course, OSU was on a serious decline at that time. I don't even want to think what would've happened if Coop stayed longer. 1999 was a horrible year and 2000 wasn't much worse.

Ohio also has a lot more talent than Mich in college football.
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