Reputation: 86
Level: All-Star
Since: Nov 9, 2006
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Posted on: August 12, 2011 2:13 pm
Score: 141
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Ohio State not out of the woods
September 12, 2012. ESPN and CBSSports are now reporting that Jim Tressel worked with Lee Harvey Oswald in the planning of the assassination of President John F Kennedy and that both Gee and Smith knew about his involvement but promised to keep it hidden as long as Tressel continued beating Michigan 4 out of every 5 years. In a related story neither ESPN nor CBSSports could not find any evidence of racism in the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, South Carolina or Kentucky during the 1960s.
Mr Dodd, you crack me up. I am a UNC grad and just glad your ire doesn't focus on Chapel Hill or we may get the death penalty. The bias I observe seems to be getting ugly. All I can say is that this story doesn't seem nearly as big as it is being made out to be by some media outlets, not as small as Buckeye fans are saying, and not as interesting as the Cam Newton case which got 1/5th the coverage. Please try to be objective and don't book a trip to the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area.