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Decanonized Mythologized Disgraced Ped State Monster Coach Joe Paterno (Zombie Icon)


Third PSU player charged for fight

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) -- A third Penn State football player has been charged in connection with a campus fight last fall in which one man was hurt.

University police charged defensive tackle Phil Taylor with felony aggravated assault, misdemeanor charges of simple assault and disorderly conduct and one count of summary harassment and stalking.

Taylor, along with two former players already charged, beat up a man during a dance in October, authorities said. The victim was treated at the scene in the student union.

Chris Baker and Navorro Bowman, who are awaiting trial on identical charges, were booted from the squad in January, at least temporarily. A fourth player, Knowledge Timmons, was also kicked off the team temporarily and faces lesser charges for an incident after the fight.

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You know, Penn State actually have a world respected marketing faculty. Shame that pony tail boy didn't seem to have gained anything, if he did attend any of the classes. That boy is one step away from being the poster boy for "boring" in the encyclopedia :slappy:.
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Another player suspended in Happy Valley.


Penn St. TE Quarless suspended for unspecified violation

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. -- Penn State tight end Andrew Quarless was suspended indefinitely Wednesday for an unspecified violation of team rules, the sixth player suspended in the offseason.

Quarless caught 14 passes for 205 yards and two touchdowns in 2007.
Last season, Quarless was suspended by coach Joe Paterno for the first two games following a citation by university police for underage drinking. He will be a junior this fall.
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How do you ease out a legend who doesn't want to leave?


The Penn State head coaching situation

Joe Paterno can't be kicked out the door fast enough by the Penn State higher-ups who realize the transition of power just isn't going to be smooth. Succession plans are all the rage nowadays, like at Florida State where Bobby Bowden is turning the reins over to Jimbo Fisher while still serving as the head of state, but Penn State is in an uncomfortable situation of trying to figure out its future while still respecting the past, and even the present.
Paterno has been resistant, to put it mildly, to giving up the program he made into one of the models of college athletics, and now there's a problem. How much say does Paterno get in finding his successor when his bosses would love nothing more than to start clean, sort of like Michigan did with the Rich Rodriguez hire? Penn State will be decent again this season, but a recent slip in recruiting doesn't paint a rosy picture for the immediate future.


With succession plans all the rage, how's the transition of power at Penn State going to go down, and more importantly, when? Also, is Darryl Clark really the right quarterback?

From Mark Brennan, Publisher FightOnState.com

THE question here now is what is going to happen with Joe Paterno. He is entering the last year of his contract and he was supposed to meet with the president and AD in January, but fell ill with the flu and the meeting was postponed. Then he had to deal with the run-up to signing day. Now he is on a Nike trip. Anyway, the meeting figures to actually take place between now and late March, and will have the big impact on the future of the program.

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Penn State AD talks with Paterno, says no timetable set on future

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) - Penn State athletic director Tim Curley says there is no timetable to make any decisions about the future of Joe Paterno.

The 81-year-old football coach is entering the final year of his contract.
Curley said Monday he met with Paterno over the past week, but declined to go into detail about what the two spoke about.

Paterno usually meets with Curley each offseason to review the previous year. There's more attention on this year's meetings because of Paterno's contract.

Curley says there is nothing to report in the way of a contract extension or other plans for Paterno's future. He says discussions will continue and there are no immediate deadlines.

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Paterno talks turning sour

Posted: Friday March 21, 2008 06:44AM ET

Joe Paterno's storied coaching career could end on a sour note -- if he lets it. Two members of Penn State's Board of Trustees yesterday told the Post-Gazette that negotiations regarding a possible contract extension or succession plan for Paterno have not gone smoothly. President Graham Spanier, who ultimately will decide whether Paterno, 81, stays or leaves when his contract expires after the 2008 season, declined to answer specific questions about Paterno's status yesterday.
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Class at Penn State to examine Paterno's interaction with media

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. -- Joe Paterno's sometimes prickly interactions with the media are about to fall under the microscope of academia.

Penn State, the university that Paterno has called home for decades, will start a class this fall examining the famed football coach's relationship with the media, as well as his role in general as a communicator.

Paterno's distinctive nasally voice tinged with an accent from his native Brooklyn often stand out when he's in a room. Yet, there's much more to Paterno's message, said Mike Poorman, a senior journalism lecturer at the university and the course creator.

"There's a reason that Joe, more than any other college coach, does what he does," said Poorman, who has also written about Paterno and the team since 1979. "Whether talking to the media, delivering a corporate address or interacting with his staff ... it's meticulous. There's a reason why he does everything."

Poorman said he hasn't talked to Paterno directly about the class, though he has received word through the coach's family that JoePa is OK with the endeavor.

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When you can't get a top recruit to even visit... even as he's playing in the state tournament on your campus... you're a recruiting liability. I'll call it now, this is Joe Pa's last season. The AD needs to find a way to kick him upstairs to an office with great view, nice furniture and no phone.
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