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Decanonized Mythologized Disgraced Ped State Monster Coach Joe Paterno (Zombie Icon)


Ouch. This guy will be getting death threats soon.

The unfathomable audacity of the family of the late Joe Paterno is beyond offensive. It's sickening. It's distasteful.

However long it takes for their "experts" to conduct their farcical "review" of the damning 267-page investigation by former FBI director Louis J. Freeh, it won't change a thing. No matter how much the toadies and sycophants try to twist the facts of the Freeh report into a pretzel or a French cruller, it will never exonerate Paterno from the disgusting truth.

Yet even from his grave, the coach has found a way to keep manipulating a self-serving enterprise that allows Paterno to continue perpetrating the already sickening and distasteful cover-up of the worst scandal in the history of American sports that he launched more than 14 years ago.

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Post #57362
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Re: Sandusky preyed upon innocent, you too are a predator against innocentReplyYour ignorance is quite apparent. Decent people should oppose those of you lynch mob mentality predators, who hide behind dishonesty to attack the innocent.
Defense counsel have stated that more than half of the story is yet to be told.

The Attorney General's Office took steps to keep key witnesses and key information AWAY from Freeh.

Freeh doesn't know. Freeh is outside of that loop. Freeh offered very little new information, but he did offer his imaginary fantasies that are not supported by the evidence. If Freeh tried to pull his horse manure act in court, he'd be thrown out on his arse. His Made Up Fantasies are not evidence.

The process is ongoing.

Decent people need to oppose the ignorant lynch mob mentality aimed at harming innocent people.

Decent people need to stand up for Due Process which has not yet happened, for full and fair review of ALL the evidence which has not yet happened, for proper defense which has not yet happened, all under the Rule of Law.

I wonder if it ever ocurred to this nitwit that the reason the AG's office withheld info was that it is part of their case, and they don't want to tip their hand to Schultz and Curley? And that maybe it will make Paterno look even worse, once the new shit comes to light?
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Someone (not me) updated Wiki:

Joseph Vincent "Joe" Paterno (/pəˈtɜrnoʊ/; December 21, 1926 ? January 22, 2012), often referred to as "JoePa", was an American college football coach who was the head coach of the Penn State Nittany Lions for nearly 46 years, from 1966 until 2011 when he was fired for failing to protect children from sexual abuse by his coaching staff.[1][2][3][4]

Footnote leads to excerpt from Freeh report.
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Steve Rushin of SI.com on the folly of erecting statues to commemorate the legacies of living people:


In the forecourt of his palace, the Roman emperor Nero kept a statue of himself, 10 stories tall. The Colossus of Nero, as it came to be known, was 120 feet of upright bronze, self-commemorating a tyrant who had -- among other acts of depravity -- murdered his own mother. The statue was eventually moved to a spot outside the Flavian Amphitheatre, which became known, by its proximity to the Colossus, as the Colosseum.

Two thousand years later, as the statue of Joe Paterno metaphorically overshadows Beaver Stadium at Penn State, it's worth remembering that men have been erecting statues outside stadiums since antiquity, often in tribute to living figures, and often as monuments to hubris rather than integrity.

Paterno himself must have known this, having frequently spoken of the profound effect Virgil's Aeneid had on his life. The Aeneid, the epic poem of the Roman Empire, was about a man -- the Trojan Prince Aeneas -- "whose fate has made him a fugitive."

My favorite part, which I was not aware of:

Quite how statues of living people came to be seen as appropriate honors despite religious proscriptions against graven images isn't clear. But it does make for some awkward dedication ceremonies. "It's not about me, it's about Jesus Christ," Albert Pujols said last November at the unveiling of a 10-foot-tall statue of himself, outside a St. Louis restaurant named for himself, one month before he left St. Louis for Anaheim for a quarter of a billion dollars, at which time his statue was given its own security guard, lest it be toppled like one of Saddam Hussein's.

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I can't recall if i posted this in the Shaggy Bevo thread - but this is a pretty funny look at what happened when Shaggy Bevo posters dressed up as PedoBear for PSU's bowl game.


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WolverineMike;2180473; said:
I heard something this morning about PedU students camping out in front of the statue to try and prevent anyone from removing it........Has that been confirmed?

There's a picture in one of the other threads. The guy was either guarding the statue or trying to trap a possum for dinner. It's hard to tell with those Central PA types.
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