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I have some songs that i can email if anyone wants them

1.Chad Henne
2.Ann Arbor girls are dirty whores
3.Im not gay, but i wanna fuck Brutus Buckeye
4.I wipe my ass with wolverine fur
5.Buckeye Bop
6.Ted Dinn did everything
7.I peed in Ann Arbors water supply
8.Michigan stadium is a pile of shit
9.Dead Schembechlers
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You can buy the album Wolverine Destroyer -- all 21 tracks -- for $9.99 on iTunes. Support the band, folks, and pay for the music; don't steal it.

They are the cover of ESPN.com right now. :biggrin:
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TRON;662208; said:
I have some songs that i can email if anyone wants them

1.Chad Henne
2.Ann Arbor girls are dirty whores
3.Im not gay, but i wanna fuck Brutus Buckeye
4.I wipe my ass with wolverine fur
5.Buckeye Bop
6.Ted Dinn did everything
7.I peed in Ann Arbors water supply
8.Michigan stadium is a pile of shit
9.Dead Schembechlers

Send em my way!!!
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A bit of discussion has started about the band again over in the Official Bo thread. I think any further discussion should be done here, so that thread can be kept about Bo and his life and legacy.

For what it's worth, I think their statement today was very classy. And I don't think there's anything tasteless about their name - it's just a takeoff on the Dead Kennedys. The lead singer goes by the name Bo Biafra, after the Dead Kennedys' Jello Biafra. The other band members have similar names of noted punk musicians, Bo Thunders (after Johnny Thunders of the Heartbreakers), Bo Vicious (Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols), and Bo Scabies (Rat Scabies of The Damned). It's purely a punk-spoof thing. After all, they do consider themselves The Best Damn Punk Band in the Land.

Oh, and they also have a counterpart, the Dropkick Woodys...

Edit - It seems their website has seen too much traffic...

Due to an increase in visitor traffic, the Web page you requested is temporarily unavailable. It has exceeded its monthly traffic allottment.

Please try again later.
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COLUMBUS -- Of all the sad ironies coming out of the death of Bo Schembechler on the eve of the Michigan-Ohio State game, one of the most awkward surrounds the punk rock band that cheers for OSU by poking fun of Bo and all things Michigan.

The band's name is the Dead Schembechlers. Suddenly, that seems wrong.

The four members dress like Woody Hayes but have stage names that start with Bo.

The band seems to realize that. On Friday afternoon, its spokesman, who calls himself Bo Biafra, said the Schembechlers will play as scheduled Friday night at the Michigan Hate Rally, then disband.

"This will be it for us as a group, Biafra said.

He also said the band will donate all proceeds from tonight's concert to a charity of the Schembechler family's choosing.

He expressed the band's "deepest sympathy and heartfelt prayers" to the Schembechler family.

The band was planning to make Friday one of the biggest days of its career. They are scheduled to host the so-called Hate Michigan Rally at the Newport Music Hall across from the OSU campus.

Earlier Friday, the Schembechlers posted this message on their web site: "The band wishes to say, 'We are crushed to learn of the death of Bo Schembechler, OSU's most valiant foe.'"

At the music hall, they have taken down the words "Dead Schembechlers" on the marquee and substituted "God Bless Bo."
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The band seems to realize that. On Friday afternoon, its spokesman, who calls himself Bo Biafra, said the Schembechlers will play as scheduled Friday night at the Michigan Hate Rally, then disband.

"This will be it for us as a group, Biafra said.

He also said the band will donate all proceeds from tonight's concert to a charity of the Schembechler family's choosing.

He expressed the band's "deepest sympathy and heartfelt prayers" to the Schembechler family.

Very, very classy.
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Nov 18, 2006 9:36 PM
If you had not previously seen, the band has announced that if we continue it will be under a new name out of respect to Bo Schembechler and his family. We expect something offiicial to be announced before the Bucks play in the national championship in January.

We thank everyone for the most unbelieveable year in the 16 year history of the band. It has been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least. Back in September we told you this was going to be the most incredible season in Bucks history and that is certainly coming to pass.

The amount of press and attention has been off the scale. Our official web site has been down as it has crashed after receiving over 100 million hits this week alone. We hope to have it up back up soon.

If you have a made a recent merchandise order please know we are processing them as fast as we can. We expect to have everything caught up and shipped in 2-3 weeks which is our usual promised time although we always try to make it sooner. You can still download songs on iTunes for the time being.

Thank you again for all of the support. We'll let you know what's up in the coming weeks.
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