the top athletic studs in Akron all seem to be part of an implicit fraternity... they all know each other very well... obviously Walsh, Hoban and St V-M are private schools... but a number of these fellas lived near each other... played sports in the same leagues growing up since early grade school...
LeBron really is an OSU fan (and Akron U - had to throw that in) ... and LBJ and Cotton are tight... I would be extremely surprised if they aren't pursuading Lawrence one way... but the alumni group, including Stams, would be pulling him another... Wilson can't lose in this deal... it's as good as it gets for LW...
I'll poll some of my buds (dads of players from all three schools) and see where they see this going... I'm ready to do some vbettin' that Lawrence is Scarlet & Gray before Thanksgiving...