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FCollinsBuckeye;1278384; said:


Does ESPN not understand that I don't give a damn about USC vs. Oregon?
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MililaniBuckeye;1278418; said:
Gota check and see if DirecTV automatically renewed my GamePlan like they did last year. Hopefully I can get it PPV if not...
They should've. I'm pretty sure sports subscriptions are automatically renewed unless you cancel them. My NFL Sunday Ticket automatically renewed this year from last.
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BB73;1278386; said:
NOTE - If you are not in the yellow area on the above map for the Wiscy-tOSU game on Saturday, ESPN Gameplan is the only other TV option.

It will NOT be on ESPN/2 for the region that doesn't get tOSU-Wiscy on ABC.

F**K!! #*$&#@*($&#*(@$&$ !!!!!!!!!


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