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Here is a change of pace for this thread.

Ohio State researcher plants his Buckeye pride
WOOSTER, Ohio - From the air, you can see Scott McIntyre's pride in the scarlet and gray spelled out in yellow and green.

In May, the Ohio State University research associate carefully planted plots of yellow-leafed soybeans amid a more typical green-leafed variety in an unused, four-acre field at the university's Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center about 50 miles south of Cleveland.

Since the plants started coming up in late July, the two-tone field has displayed the words "OHIO STATE BUCKEYES" with an accompanying smiley face.

McIntyre, 43, said he was
inspired by how well Ohio State did last football season.

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Best Buckeye;907301; said:
Here is a change of pace for this thread.

Ohio State researcher plants his Buckeye pride
WOOSTER, Ohio - From the air, you can see Scott McIntyre's pride in the scarlet and gray spelled out in yellow and green.

In May, the Ohio State University research associate carefully planted plots of yellow-leafed soybeans amid a more typical green-leafed variety in an unused, four-acre field at the university's Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center about 50 miles south of Cleveland.

Since the plants started coming up in late July, the two-tone field has displayed the words "OHIO STATE BUCKEYES" with an accompanying smiley face.

McIntyre, 43, said he was
inspired by how well Ohio State did last football season.


Pretty cool, I but the Blade hated to print that.....:biggrin:
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