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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is too exciting for adults to discuss (CLOSED)

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It's hard to say. Last March (that is 2020) I was sick, and I mean, really feel like shit sick, not I don't feel great but can still go to work, I mean, chills and misery. I figured that was Covid at the time, although that was a bit retrospect in as much as lockdown had not yet occurred. Anyway... fast forward to November when the wife tested positive. I literally had every same symptom she had, although I think my symptoms were even more mild.. we had not quarantined from each other at any time, before, during or after but I have never tested positive (Tested 3 times now) for the virus. I'm fully vaxed at this point.

It really is a bizarre virus. Based on my symptoms I thought for sure I had it, and didn't. I haven't so much as had a mild cold since all of covid started until I got pretty damn sick last week and tested negative. I think I've had to have got it and just didn't display symptoms based on how many people I had been around that had it. Oh well, time to get stuck and hopefully keep moving forward to normal again, although most of Idaho has been pretty much normal for awhile now outside Boise's mask mandate, which many places in the last couple weeks have ceased to care about.
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It really is a bizarre virus. Based on my symptoms I thought for sure I had it, and didn't. I haven't so much as had a mild cold since all of covid started until I got pretty damn sick last week and tested negative. I think I've had to have got it and just didn't display symptoms based on how many people I had been around that had it. Oh well, time to get stuck and hopefully keep moving forward to normal again, although most of Idaho has been pretty much normal for awhile now outside Boise's mask mandate, which many places in the last couple weeks have ceased to care about.

not saying this is it...

but my allergies kick hard in April and May and stretch until September. Without flownaze I am a wreck. aches, pains, low fever and a cough that won’t stop. if I was not aware of me having allergies I would think I had a cold or the flu.
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not saying this is it...

but my allergies kick hard in April and May and stretch until September. Without flownaze I am a wreck. aches, pains, low fever and a cough that won’t stop. if I was not aware of me having allergies I would think I had a cold or the flu.

Other than the cough that's pretty much what I had, and just crazy fatigue with no energy. Could be something to look into if it pops up again.
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Got the J&J shot this morning and just got it over with. I feel a little funky but nothing too bad yet. A friend got me into a private clinic that was still giving out the J&J vaccine, so I jumped on that one.
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Million Dollar Decision: Gov. Mike DeWine announces removal of Ohio's COVID-19 health orders on June 2, plus lucrative vaccine incentives

DeWine announced that the state will be holding a weekly lottery offering prizes of up to $1 million for adults who have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

Governor Mike DeWine has announced that the state of Ohio will remove its COVID-19 health orders effective on June 2, with the exception of those in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

Among the measures being removed are facial covering protocols, social distancing guidelines, and capacity restrictions for indoor and outdoor events. DeWine says the three-week timeline will allow any Ohioan who has not yet received a COVID-19 vaccine to obtain one.

“It is time to end the health orders. It’s been a year. You’ve followed the protocols. You’ve done what we’ve asked. You’ve bravely fought this virus," said DeWine during his statewide address. "And now, our cases are down, and we have a tested and proven weapon with the vaccine that all Ohioans 12 and over can utilize.”

As an incentive for Ohioans to get their vaccines, DeWine announced several lucrative promotional opportunities.

Starting on May 26th, adults in Ohio who have received at least one dose of the vaccine will be entered into a weekly drawing with a prize of up to $1 million.

A total of five weekly drawings for each prize will take place. Details and contest rules will be announced by the Ohio Department of Health and the Ohio Lottery Commission next week.

Ohioans under the age of 18 who are eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine will be entered into a drawing for a four-year full scholarship to any of Ohio's state colleges and universities, including full tuition, room, and board. The drawing will also be held on May 26 and continue for five straight Wednesdays -- each time randomly selecting one student to receive the full, four-year scholarship.

DeWine had previously stated that health orders would not be removed until the state reached the milestone of 50 cases per 100,000 over a two-week span. During his address on Wednesday, he said that the state is currently at 123.

So why does he believe the time is right for the health orders to be lifted? Here were some of DeWine's key points:
  • According to the CDC, Ohio’s cases per 100,000 as averaged over the past week are the lowest of all its neighboring states.
  • Fewer Ohioans are in the hospital for COVID today than they were in the days before the state had a vaccine. DeWine noted Ohio has seen a 75% drop in its COVID-19 hospitalization count since the vaccine became available.
Entire article: https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/h...dress/95-1e94f989-6cf0-4fbc-8d47-6dd3fc6e1d1f
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Governor's Tout their State Response to Virus
The governors of Maine, Ohio, Utah, Minnesota and Massachusetts, both Democrats and Republicans, also spoke about their state’s vaccination efforts, which range from mobile and pop-up clinics and free transportation to offering incentives, such as tickets to a baseball game and free fishing and hunting licenses.

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Vaccinated Americans now may go without masks in most places, the C.D.C. said.

In a sharp turnabout, federal health officials on Thursday advised that Americans who are fully vaccinated against the coronavirus may stop wearing masks or maintaining social distance in most indoor and outdoor settings, regardless of size.

The advice from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention comes as welcome news to Americans who have tired of restrictions and marks a watershed moment in the pandemic. Masks ignited controversy in communities across the United States, symbolizing a bitter partisan divide over approaches to the pandemic and a badge of political affiliation.

Permission to stop using them now offers an incentive to the many millions who are still holding out on vaccination.

Entire article: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/13/health/cdc-masks-guidance.html
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