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Congrats from Ark fans

SmoovP;1850590; said:
Leet (intentionally goofy 'internet speak') for 'a bunch of dumbasses'.

EDIT: I should say, 'most Arkansas internet/message board' fans are teh dumas.

For example, take a look at hogville.net sometime.

I know - it was just an excuse to post the vid.
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OK, here it is, the SmoovP Post Game Comment of Ineffable Sadness.

1. That was a great college football game. An instant classic. A roller-coaster ride for everyone. Easily the best game of the Bowl Season to this point. It basically came down to the very last play and the Buckeyes came up with a game saving INT to seal the win, along with several other clutch plays throughout the game. I was particularly impressed by your receiver, Dane Sanzenbacher, who made a couple of spectacular catches with defenders literally draped all over him.

2. Again, congratulations to the Sugar Bowl Champion Buckeyes. Your guys showed a lot of heart, discipline and character (yes, character) to get the win. I know Tressel drives some of y'all crazy when he goes conservative, but what he is saying to his team when he does that is "I believe in you". He believes that his players will play tough, disciplined football and more often than not, in a hugely successful way, they do. That's great coaching. It may not be the most exciting brand of football, and it may cause more anxiety than you'd like, but you can't argue with success.

3. Tressel had a great game plan. Coming out with the no-huddle was pretty salty. The Razorback defense wasn't ready for that.

4. I'm proud of the Razorbacks for showing the grit to come back and make it a game. Many teams wouldn't have. There is no shame in this loss. The Razorbacks showed a lot of heart and character to get back in it. They let their frustrations show in the second quarter but came back after the half focused and poised

5. I think one of the biggest differences in the game was experience. The Buckeye BCS Game experience was on display throughout. They came out hot, never got rattled and stayed focused and disciplined. By contrast, the Razorbacks first half was a text book display of big game nerves. In my post when I predicted a Razorback win, I whiffed on that. The Razorback lack of experience in playing on the BCS stage was clearly a factor in the first half.

OK, now that all of that is out of the way, we'll proceed to my thoughts about the game itself.

DAMNIT! The Razorbacks were ONE PLAY AWAY from winning that game. And they had at least three opportunities to make that ONE PLAY.

Joe Adams dropping the Ryan Mallett on the first play of the game was a sure TD. Failing to scoop and score on the blocked punt. Arkansas defenders knocking the ball into the end zone on the Pryor fumble. If any one of those plays goes Arkansas' way the outcome could or would have been different.

I could also point to a number of other plays where the Arkansas offense failed to execute that very well could have affected the outcome. That's not sour grapes, and credit to the Buckeye defense - they made plays when they had to - but the Razorback lack of execution was extremely disappointing. There are no guarantees that the final outcome would have been different, because play calling is a chess match, but I don't think anyone could objectively say that the game didn't hinge on just a play or two.

I've seen a lot of talk here and elsewhere about the officiating. I thought it was a very decently called game. They might have been a little loose, but I'd rather see that than a game called too tight. Let them play if you can. There were a couple of calls that could have gone the other way, but that happens in every single game played. There are no perfectly called games. The safety call was a judgement call, and what we think of that call is dependent on what shade of red we wear. Honestly, I can see both sides of the argument being valid, but again, it was a judgement call.

The same thing could be said about the 'dirty play' accusations from both sides, and I don't intend to get into that. Safe to say, what one fan sees as dirty, the other sees as tough tits.

Ryan Mallet was under pressure all night by the outstanding Buckeye defensive line. Even so, he played pretty well, if somewhat below his usual this year. He didn't get a lot of help from the Razorback receivers. 6 or 7 perfectly thrown balls were dropped. That is not typical of that squad. Joe Adams in particular had a gruesome night. He dropped at least 3 perfect balls. I feel for the kid. I know he's heartbroken.

Knile Davis put up 139 yards of tough running against the OSU defense. The Arkansas running game will be in good hands next year.

The Arkansas defense, after a disastrous first half, had a pretty solid second half and pretty well shut the Buckeyes down. They might have been given an assist on that, depending on how you feel about 'Tressel Ball', but we can't deny that they really stepped up in the second half. Arkansas fans have been pretty harsh toward Defensive Coordinator Willie Robinson - some deserved and some not. My gripe about him is his love of the blitz. In the first half, Arkansas played his typical blitz-happy defense and got burned badly. In the second half, they came out with a lot more zone and played much better - but typical to Willie, he dialed up the blitzes and got burned by Pryor every single time. You'd think he'd learn.

I am a long-time Saints fan, from way before it was cool to like the Saints (most Arkansas fans are Cowboy fans, whom I despise), so I have a bit of familial pride in what Ironhead Heywood's son did last night. He was an unblockable beast. Playing hurt, he dominated. My hat is off to him. He is largely responsible for the Arkansas Offensive line having what was arguably its worse game of the season.

The Arkansas special teams were mostly magnificent. The Razorbacks didn't get many return yards, but every other phase was the best they had played all year by a pretty big margin. Punting was spectacular. Field goals of 46 and 47. Blocked punt. Say what you will about John L. Smith, but he had them ready. With Dylan Breeding and Zach Hocker, our kicking game looks very good for the next few years.

The bottom line is that the Buckeyes made the play when the opportunity was there, and the Razorbacks didn't - which goes back to my point 5 listed above. When it mattered, the Buckeyes had the experience, discipline and poise to make the play and the Razorbacks did not. And even so, we gave y'all all you could handle.

I would love to see a home and home series between the Razorbacks and the Buckeyes someday. It would be a lot of fun to visit your stadium and welcome you to ours.

It's been a lot of fun getting to know the Buckeyes. This is a genuinely great message board. It's very well run, and for the most part its members have been gracious, knowledgeable and hospitable. I have enjoyed myself a lot.

Go Hogs.
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Thanks for the thoughts on the game, and the kind words about BP, SmoovP. We hope you continue to spend some time here.

The Buckeyes played a great first half, and TresselBall and a change in momentum/breaks made the fourth quarter much more exciting than a lot of us would have liked. Credit goes to the Hogs for fighting back and making it a real battle.

The Razorbacks should be well-positioned for the next several years with Petrino at the helm (that huge buyout was a smart thing for both sides).
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