Administrator Emeritus
BuckeyeSoldier said:http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=www.nature.ca/notebooks/images/archaeop.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.nature.ca/notebooks/english/archaeo.htm&h=300&w=263&sz=27&tbnid=eMhnke2bnJgJ:&tbnh=110&tbnw=97&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbird%2Bdinosaur%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26oe%3DUTF-8
there ya go, this is your missing link between dinasaurs and birds.
Soldier, this is text from your link:
"Was archaeopteryx a feathered dinosaur, an ancestral bird, or neither, or both?"
The two other articles I've checked also take a similar stance. Questions are unanswered as to this fossil being a bird, dino, or link. Doesn't sound like concrete evidence to me.
Lastly, can we try and keep on topic. The coments about blood transfussion have absolutely no bearing. The topic is the Bible vs science (generally). The bible says nothing about blood transfussions. By your logic, science is nothing more than fairy tail because many (if not all) scientists believed that the earth was flat (for quite a number of years). Your continued "shots" on religion are centered on man's interpretation of the Bible ... not what the Bible says. I could provide as many (probably more) instances where scientists have been wrong. So what? Also, to call the Bible a collection of stories is "inaccurate". Large portions of the Bible are simply recorded history. Most (if not all) of this historical information is confirmed by other accounts and texts and widly accepted as fact by the scientific community. To simply discard the entire Bible as fairy tail is unjust. In fact, it leads me to beieve that you have very little knowledge of the Bible and are relying on vague generalizations and biases to compare the Bible to science. Both sides (science/religion) show their ability to change and alter their "view" of the facts at the moment. Both sides show their ability to put "faith" in a theory. The more I read this thread the more similarities I see between the two. BTW, it has been an interesting discussion so far. My kudos to those of you continuing (carrying) the discussion.