Refs took two away tonight. Methot put one in from the blue line early in the game, but the officials said they blew the whistle before it went in. Boll was fighting. I didn't hear a whistle that fast. It was iffy. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
The second time was pure bullshit.
Nash threw some hits tonight.
They looked kind of lost when they were breaking into the Flames' zone most of the time..
A win is a win, especially when they didn't play their best. Looked sloppy at both ends. The Vermette/Voracek/Umberger line they skated out there tonight was awesome.
(I was at the game)
The second time was pure bullshit.
Nash threw some hits tonight.

They looked kind of lost when they were breaking into the Flames' zone most of the time..
A win is a win, especially when they didn't play their best. Looked sloppy at both ends. The Vermette/Voracek/Umberger line they skated out there tonight was awesome.
(I was at the game)